this post was submitted on 16 Jun 2024
8 points (60.0% liked)

Liberty Hub: A Space for Leftists and Post-Leftists

182 readers
3 users here now

Anyone is welcome, not just leftists, but these are the guidelines:

  1. No oppressing other users (bigotry is oppression). This includes not using the r-slur (or any variation thereof).
  2. No defending oppressive systems such as capitalism or the US "democracy."
  3. No uncivil or rude comments to other users (politicians and capitalists are fair game).
  4. No ax murderers, serial killers, neoliberals, torturers, cops, cryptobros, debatebros, or similar.
  5. Discussion, not debate. It's okay to ask someone to elaborate on an idea, but most communities shout down leftists and post-leftists, and that's not supposed to happen here. This includes especially "whatabout Trump" on posts criticizing Biden.
  6. No genocide denial or support for genocidal entities such as IDF, ICE, the US prison system, or likewise.
  7. Transphobes eat my ass.
  8. These guidelines are meant to allow open discussion and prevent the constant trolling of leftists and post-leftists that happens in places like reddit and Facebook. Follow the spirit of these guidelines.

If you are here to learn, then welcome! Remember this is not a debate hub. This is a place to share and learn.

Other than that, feel free to share memes, text posts, articles, or other things you find edifying and helpful.

The main reason I started this is because I know it's hard to have a discussion in non-leftist spaces without constantly having to stop and explain fundamental ideas, so I hope this will give a space and a voice to anyone who's felt frustrated like me.

founded 3 months ago

What made them mad:

"Man I'm not happy with Biden winning the nomination. I wish I was Bernie."

"Well we can get Trump out of office and then you can push him to the left."

"Fair enough, a moldy ham sandwich is better than Trump. Biden can string words together so that's possible."

[One presidential election and mid-term later.]

"So Biden hasn't pushed Congress on most of his campaign promises, and he's enabled racist policies Trump wanted to try and win moderates. No abortion, no DREAMers, no minimum wage increases, no queer protection, but they can find time to ban hoodies in Congress. Not to mention ignoring voters who care about Ukraine and Palestine. It feels like Biden isn't great for Americans, he's just slightly better than Trump."

"Why are you so anti-Biden? Are you some kind of fake leftist or a Russian agent pretending to be American?"

"No? I'm trying to push him left. I'm saying he's not doing things for most of the people who voted for him to be better. His biggest actions are done by appointments, by him to the FTC and FCC. Not a lot of bills passed."

"I think you just hate what Democracy is, he's not a king."

"Right. But Republicans can pass without issue, and Democrats want to work with them instead of getting progressive voters."

"You're biased and nitpicking, so I win."

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Also, maybe run in local elections. Apparently many trash people continually get reelected because they have literally no opposition. Could do some good for some people at least :-\