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[-] [email protected] 14 points 5 days ago

Conservatives, fascists, and Auth-Communists just disagree on what color the flag should be, and the name of the party in charge handing out the police to dispatch onto the people.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 5 days ago

Yeah Tankies/AuthComs are just such an odd mixture of accelerationists, "own the libs" and just general stupidity of "a strong man makes strong men" bullshit that they support any fascist if it means maybe someday they might not be on the chopping block.

If Tankies were an actual voting bloc they'd be somewhat impactful for the first time since maybe 1949. That would imply going outside however.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

It's really funny how no one really likes liberals but liberals.

Conservatives: "They're too freedom loving for my tastes! Why can't they just stay and home and be good corporate stooges like us?"

Auth-Communists: "They claim to like freedom but still willingly use the capitalist forces to oppress who they like. Liberals are okay with personal freedom until it impacts the white moderates. ~~That's our job!~~"

Anarchists: "It's literally weird to call yourself a liberal when all they do is oppose any movement against the status quo. If they can't convert them to sell away their soul to the state or capitalism, they're terrorists. They're more like conservatives than any actual progressives, and even progressives admit 100% capitalism isn't great."

Libertarian capitalists: "They claim to be for freedom but constantly require the state to check in on if people are enjoying their freedom like that Nanny's they never had. I just wanna grill for god's sake!"

Like it's just funny to me no matter where you are on the political spectrum, you have a somewhat decent reason to hate liberals (except conservatives are too stupid to tell liberals apart from "commies").

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago

God forbid women do anything!

[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago

Mate, I hate the genocide and shit, but shut the fuck up with this. The two are unrelated.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 2 weeks ago

I was about to say "Holy shit, that's impressive. I need a source for that" and you got one ready. Good job, OP!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Maybe, but there's a lot of most animals that I don't want in a burger or any kind of ground meat. Bones, cartilage, organs, etc.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago

Hard sci-fi is when writers take time to understand current science and understanding how things would work, and then apply it to the future. Arthur C. Clarke is the default example of hard sci-fi.

Basically, "hard" sci-fi uses real world science to figure out how something would work in a future setting. And hard sci-fi really tries to figure out if something is practical outside of a set piece. "Soft" sci-fi is more about social problems of the real world and beyond, like Star Trek. But there isn't an exact formal definition for where hard starts and soft begins, and vice versa.

And I think 95% of scifi fans would agree that neither is better or worse, it just fits the story as its needed. Personally I love hard scifi as a concept, but my favorite scifi stories are all soft, like Star Trek.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 2 weeks ago

The right phone call in the wrong place can make all the difference in the anxiety.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 2 weeks ago

That's just homeopathy and corporate funded "studies".

[-] [email protected] 28 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Like I personally don't give a shit that Clinton had sex with an intern. If it was all informed and consensual, that should between them and his wife. Same for any president. If Biden or Trump wants someone to give him a blow job in the oval office, go for it. I genuinely don't care how the president gets their rocks off, as long as it's not illegal or rape.

But the fact that its considered bad to have sex in puritanical society, they have to lie and now its a perjury case. It's weird how we can impeach a president for lying about getting a blowjob, but we can't stop an orange fucker for making a riot happen in the capitol.

Maybe this is me starting to be mentally coherent during the second term of Dubya, but Jesus Christ. You can lock kids in cages and no one gives a shit, you can start an attempt at a coup, and almost nothing happens. But somehow a blowjob was a major scandal that harmed the next election because your VP is running.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 3 weeks ago
  • "Poor kids are as smart as white kids"
  • "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."
  • "My uncle was eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea during WW2" (ignoring that there was fucking war with Japan during then, the probable more likely option)
  • Continues to build the wall on the border Man he really is just an out of touch racist grandpa, isn't he? Like god damn. Trump is openly racist, Biden has a filter that has a few holes in it/
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here's the basics of my set up for what I can bring around:

  • A Crucial 1TB M.2 Drive
  • A M.2 Drive Enclosure that has USB 3.1 Gen 2 output So with these together are desktop performance in a small thing. It is not a flash drive that just gets ruined in like 3 months of constant use.

And with these, I use a Ventoy set up called Medicat. I love it, and there's no issue with it for me, besides that Medicat/Microsoft requires NTFS for Windows stuff. Aside from standard NTFS bullshit, it's wonderful.

Since I have so much space, I had the idea of storing a Linux set up for on the go use on any laptop/computer without needing to sign into 10 websites for one time use. Here's my two methods of how to do it:

  • Make a persistent data block for Fedora/Ubuntu/etc. and make a Live ISO point to it, then boot from Ventoy into the ISO, which then handles mounting the "drive".
  • Clear a space on the drive, install a distro like Fedora/Debian and encrypt it, allowing me to just run apt upgrade and move on like a normal PC.

Here's the upsides and downsides to both that I can see, just thinking about it.


  • ✅ Don't need to fuck with partitions of NTFS, last time I tried to shrink the drive NTFS had a breakdown and I couldn't fix it.
  • ✅ Can expand the persistence as time goes on
  • ❌ NTFS constantly has issues with me, where I can cleanly eject the drive but I need to run ntfsfix to make it work again, and I don't know when that will happen in the future.
  • ❓ Not sure how it will go with Arch Linux, but that might be a bad choice for a drive I boot into for fun/infrequently.

Partition and full install:

  • ✅ Easier to just get going, point an ISO to install there and good to go.
  • ✅ Easier to upgrade to new packages/editions, instead of downloading new ISOs and pointing it each time. I'm unsure if it would let me use a .dat file from Fedora 36 for Fedora 40, for example.
  • ✅ I can encrypt it so I don't need to worry about people nabbing it and messing with personal files.
  • ✅ I can use something like ext4 or btrfs, so I don't need to rely on NTFS.
  • ❌ Trying to resize NTFS was really fucky, and felt like I was breaking something. I did break it, and had to reinstall Medicat/Ventoy.
  • ❓ I'm unsure of how to boot from it and keep Medicat/Ventoy as the main option. Maybe create a file on Ventoy to boot the distro? Maybe it varies from BIOS to BIOS?

Wanting to hear the thoughts from people smarter than me, maybe have done this before. I just want to make it clear It's not a USB flash drive, this won't break randomly from one too many R/Ws.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello! The TL;DR is:

I have an m.2 drive that is in a sturdy enclosure that has 1 TB. I have Ventoy with Medicat on there, with some backups of important data.

I still have a lot of room left on there, so I was thinking what else I could do, and the idea of basically installing a Linux Distro to a chunk of free space on there. Maybe Debian/Fedora or Arch.

Is there anything I should be aware of to help not break that system or rapidly kill the drive? It's not a USB flash drive, it's a M.2 drive that's put on a small board that then allows it to talk via USB C/Thunderbolt.

EDIT: Just to be sure, if I use Ventoy's EFI, do I need to be worried about a conflict with the bootloader of the Linux install?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/technology

Firmware security company Binarly on Wednesday disclosed the details of an attack method that can be used to compromise many consumer and enterprise devices by leveraging malicious UEFI logo images.

The attack method, dubbed LogoFAIL, exploits vulnerabilities in the image parsers used by the UEFI firmware to display logos during the boot process or in the BIOS setup. Getting the affected parsers to process a specially crafted image can enable the attacker to hijack the execution flow and run arbitrary code.

Hackers can use the LogoFAIL attack to compromise the entire system and bypass security measures such as Secure Boot.

“These vulnerabilities can compromise the entire system’s security, rendering ‘below-the-OS’ security measures like any shade of Secure Boot ineffective, including Intel Boot Guard. This level of compromise means attackers can gain deep control over the affected systems,” Binarly explained.

Binarly’s analysis showed that UEFI vendors use various types of parsers for BMP, PNG, JPEG, GIF and other types of images. The security firm’s research targeted firmware from Insyde, AMI and Phoenix and led to the discovery of two dozen vulnerabilities, more than half of which have been assigned a ‘high severity’ rating.

The impacted firmware is shipped with hundreds of consumer and enterprise computer models — including x86 and ARM-based devices — made by companies such as Acer, Dell, Framework, Fujitsu, Gigabyte, HP, Intel, Lenovo, MSI, Samsung, and Supermicro. This means millions of devices worldwide could be exposed to attacks.

A LogoFAIL attack can be launched by abusing the firmware update procedure to replace the legitimate logo with a malicious version. Attacks through physical access may also be possible, using an SPI flash programmer, assuming that the logo is not protected by hardware verified boot technologies.

Some vendors — this includes Intel, Acer and Lenovo — offer features that enable users to customize the logos displayed during boot, which can make it possible to launch LogoFAIL attacks from the OS, without the need for physical access to the device.

It’s important to note that while image parser vulnerabilities have been found in devices from all of the aforementioned vendors, they cannot always be exploited. In Dell’s case, for instance, the logo is protected by Intel Boot Guard, which prevents its replacement even if the attacker has physical access to the targeted system. In addition, Dell does not offer any logo customization features.

Details of the attack were presented by Binarly at the Black Hat Europe conference on Wednesday, and the company has published a technical blog post describing its findings.

The security firm has published a video showing a proof-of-concept (PoC) LogoFAIL exploit in action, demonstrating how an attacker who has admin permissions on the operating system can escalate privileges to the firmware level.

The vulnerabilities were reported to impacted vendors through CERT/CC several months ago, but it can take a lot of time for patches for these types of security holes to reach end devices, even if vendors create the fixes.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Microsoft is singing the praises of the new Outlook and wants to persuade users to switch. But beware: if you try out the new Outlook, you risk transferring your IMAP and SMTP credentials of mail accounts and all your emails to Microsoft servers. Although Microsoft explains that it is possible to switch back to the previous apps at any time, the data will already be stored by the company. This allows Microsoft to read the emails. Start menu shows new Outlook as recommended app

The new Outlook now appears as a recommended app in the Windows Start menu of Windows 11 devices with the 2023 update. The Outlook client itself also offers to test the new Outlook version with a "The new Outlook" switch. This is still under development, but is set to replace the mail program and the calendar included in Windows in 2024. In a recent tech community article, Microsoft employee Caitlin Hart also explains that it will also replace the classic Outlook. However, unlike the Windows Mail and Calendar apps, the timetable for this has not yet been set.

When adding a mail account in the new Outlook that is not hosted by Microsoft but is located on company mail servers, for example, the program displays a message. It links to a support article that simply states that non-Microsoft accounts are synchronized with the Microsoft cloud, whereby Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud and IMAP accounts are currently supported. The new Outlook also does this in the versions for Android, iOS and Mac. This means that copies "of your email, calendar, and contacts will be synchronized between your email provider and Microsoft data center". This gives the company full access to all emails and allows it to read and analyze them. Microsoft wants to provide functions that way that Gmail and IMAP do not offer. Warning message of the new Outlook version when adding a non-Microsoft account

The note makes you wonder: What does Microsoft transfer where? When creating an IMAP account, c't was able to sniff the traffic between new Outlook and the Microsoft servers. It contained the target server, log-in name and password which were sent to those Servers of Microsoft. Although TLS-protected, the data is sent to Microsoft in plain text within the tunnel. Without informing or inquiring about this, Microsoft grants itself access to the IMAP and SMTP login data of users of the new Outlook.

When switching from the old Outlook to the new one, it is installed the new software in parallel. Previously set up IMAP accounts are not automatically transferred, but the account stored in Windows is. During the test with Google accounts, authentication with OAuth2 was used. Users receive an authentication request and Microsoft does not receive any specific access data, but only an access token that users can revoke again.

An answer to our request for a statement from Microsoft is still pending. At this point in time, however, we must warn against trying out the new Outlook without thinking. In addition to all the emails, some credentials may even end up with Microsoft.

Microsoft already attracted attention with such data redirections at the beginning of the year. After Office updates were applied on Mac computers, Outlook redirected the data to Microsoft's cloud servers without any user notification. At that time, the remedy was to delete IMAP accounts and set them up again. However, this is obviously no longer helpful with the new Outlook.

The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Germany, Professor Ulrich Kelber, is alarmed by the data detour in Microsoft's new Outlook. He posted on Mastodon that he wants to ask for a report from the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, who is responsible for companies like Microsoft, during a meeting of the European data protection supervisory authorities on Tuesday of the coming week.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Title. Mainly asking for the library side, but PC cafe is also interesting to ask about.

Mainly since Windows 11 is 64-bit only, and it seems Windows 12 is going to subscription based on top of that, neither of which public libraries can afford tossing out computers and paying more in subscription fees than they make with overdue books.

My local library is only open for 2 days a week, due to a lack of funds for hiring more staff in the area. They use older Dell all in ones, and that just makes me think if they don't have the money for being open 5 days a week, they don't have the money to buy 4 new computers for the space.

Not even getting into the bigger libraries part of that system or the ones nearby. Some have 8 computers in groups, with 4 stations of groups.

So I was just wondering, if anyone has started or is aware of a Library/Public Computer focused linux-based OS? Perhaps one that allows immutable systems, and the library card system backed most use to enable end user access. Perhaps that's a config file tucked away somewhere.

And I guess the PC cafe OS is interesting, simply due to the fact that Linux gaming has been making huge strides, and PC cafes are still popular in Japan, Korea, and China.

EDIT: I am not in control or assistance to the library, just looking if there's a potential solution to libraries like mine. If I could give links to a library computer manager, or if I could give upstream bug reports to people making such software.

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