this post was submitted on 15 Jun 2024
34 points (60.1% liked)


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[โ€“] Hackworth 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Humans are really bad at determining whether a chat is with a human or a bot

Eliza is not indistinguishable from a human at 22%.

Passing the Turing test stood largely out of reach for 70 years precisely because Humans are pretty good at spotting counterfeit humans.

This is a monumental achievement.

[โ€“] dustyData 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

First, that is not how that statistic works, like you are reading it entirely wrong.

Second, this test is intentionally designed to be misleading. Comparing ChatGPT to Eliza is the equivalent of me claiming that the Chevy Bolt is the fastest car to ever enter a highway by comparing it to a 1908 Ford Model T. It completely ignores a huge history of technological developments. There have been just as successful chatbots before ChatGPT, just they weren't LLM and they were measured by other methods and systematic trials. Because the Turing test is not actually a scientific test of anything, so it isn't standardized in any way. Anyone is free to claim to do a Turing Test whenever and however without too much control. It is meaningless and proves nothing.