this post was submitted on 13 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It’s okay to copy/paste your basic model structure for SQLAlchemy classes, but copy and paste from the SQLAlchemy docs. Sweet suffering stack overflow, did nobody even look at the docs ever, or did they only trust ChatGPT? SQLAlchemy‘s simple for basic use cases.

Also here is such a nutshell of everything wrong with YC: jackhole prompt fondlers with no tests, no paying customers, who turn on the most important new feature in prod at the end of the day (jesus wept), and yet with all that clown show,

We had eight ECS tasks on AWS, all running five instances of our backend (overkill, yes we know, but to be fair we had AWS credits).

What the actual fuck.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago

Oh yeah I entirely agree about copying - hell, lord knows how much interlang tools suck, I entirely get copycloning some defs best-match

But yeah indeed they super fucked up :D

With a nice cushy bit of “free” to make the problem go away. Whereas recently a fedi admin got their their instance turboscraped and were stressing about a sub-10k bill that would’ve probably killed their entirely service. My contempt for these bayfucker dickweeds knows no bound.