this post was submitted on 12 Jun 2024
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[–] makeshiftreaper 59 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I react poorly to blood donation and have had these used on me, they are incredibly unpleasant. There's no lasting harm, and they do work very well. Basically imagine a chemical burn throughout your nose, sinuses, and upper respiratory system that lasts 30 seconds. It works immediately and gets a very strong reaction

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Huh. It sounds like TV had it right this time. I assumed smelling salts were a convenient plot device, rather than an actual thing.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Can confirm. I also fainted once after donating blood. They used that stuff on me. The tv does get it right this time. It works very quickly, and is similar to getting a big whiff of ammonia. Pungent, sharp, yet kind of the same feeling like when your nose suddenly clears if you have a cold and can breathe again.

Edit: lol, I didn't know they were actual ammonia. Go figure. I'm trying to not light up the room so scrolled past the image at first.

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