this post was submitted on 11 Jun 2024
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Fish in a former dock in Hull could die as a result of being fed chips and pasties by customers at a nearby shopping centre, experts have warned.

The koi carp were introduced to the basin in front of Princes Quay Shopping Centre when it opened in 1991.

Since then, their numbers have increased, with 1,200 fish added in 2010 alone, and over the years they have become an attraction for people using Monument Bridge, in front of the centre.

However, Iain Turner, from the Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM), has said feeding scraps of "non-natural" food to the fish "will shorten their lives".

Mr Turner, the IFM's development officer, said people should "enjoy the fish but resist the temptation to throw in food scraps".

He added: "Carp will eat, eat, eat. They will eat things like sausage rolls, pasties and chips.

"The fish may look healthy because they're so big, but if they're fed non-natural food like this their vital organs, especially their livers, will become encased in fat. It really isn't good for them."

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Is that standard HSE advised work wear, or just pleasure?