this post was submitted on 09 Jun 2024
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Hi guys do you guys know any selfhosted cloud solution that has a combined sync and filestream option?

Context when you use seafile on macos there is seadrive (mounts external cloud like a drive) and seafile sync which syncs files to local folders. The problem is the two clients sort of act seperatly from one other (you cant make seadrive make files offline for instance neither can you preview files in seafile sync).

By contrast onedrive and google drive both have client apps which can sync on demand (file stream) and optionally make files available offline with a simple right click in context menu.

~~Side note I have tried nextcloud on mac but its experimental mount mode just keeps a placeholder .nextcloud file.~~


Nextcloud does have proper virtual file sync. Only limitation is you can't make files availble offline via the context menu and instead need to set up manual folder syncs

Edit 2:

You need to grab the release from

Specifically the vfs version Nextcloud-3.13.0-macOS-vfs.pkg

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It's a type of integration with local file handling:

  • you see every folder and file in explorer / finder.
  • they are just filenames but without the data
  • they act normal and can be copy pasted renamed etc
  • the moment a file is opened the first time, the data gets synced locally.

I use it to connect to rather large folders (bigger then my SSD) because it only takes up space of the files in use.

[–] Presi300 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Idk if it has that, as I just run a SMB share to achieve the same functionality

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

It does have that.