this post was submitted on 04 Jun 2024
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Instagram has long been accused of stealing features from platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, and Twitter/X. It appears that the company has looked to YouTube for its latest idea: unskippable ads that you have to watch for a period of time before being able to scroll further.

A Redditor posted images of the Instagram ad breaks. FireCubX writes that users will suddenly find they have hit the bottom of their feed, so to speak, and can't scroll down any further. An "ad break" icon will appear with a countdown timer that prevents users from browsing through more content until they view an ad, at which point the counter starts running down.

I'm happy I only have a lemmy account

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[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 weeks ago

People will get outraged, scream for a bit and then accept it and keep using the service.

The additional ad-revenue will outscale the few users that quit by far and thus enshittification continues.

Tho i guess we should be happy for the few that escape the shothole instagram because social media is cancer anyways.