this post was submitted on 02 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

We have many lakes and rivers, so dock spiders are common unfortunately. Wooded areas aplenty, so wolf spiders too. Then your common group of hanging out in the corners of your deck getting their full of mosquitos and black flies spiders. Those creeperass basement spiders with the long legs. I once also slammed my shed shut and fucked off back inside because of some furry palm sized bastard was chilling on the inside of said shed door.

They may not be poisonous or dinner plate sized, but some are pretty aggressive and others look like they should be.

[–] Xanis 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Ahhhh yesss, those hand-sized fuckers that somehow manage to hide from us the majority of the time. I swear they're seasonal and migrate from arachnophobe residence to arachnophobe residence. Caught one side-eyed low on a bedroom wall once. Did a double-take. Bastard noticed the first glance and disappeared.

Like completely.

I still wonder at times if I was hallucinating.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

It was my last summer at home before college too, but I did notice some aggressive webbing slowly overtaking the back shelf as the summer went. Only sign I knew I wasn't crazy, because I also never saw it again.

Then the house sold while at college. Drove by a few weeks ago on my way through town and noticed the shed is now gone, guessing the buyer also saw the spider lol