this post was submitted on 31 May 2024
253 points (95.3% liked)

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[–] BluesF 8 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Personally I really liked the story it told pretty much throughout. It's a while since I saw it, but I remember enjoying the more serious tone & challenges. It was nice seeing issues that the characters didn't just have to punch haha.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Problem is, in the end they made it so the solution was punches, by making the so-far-nuanced flag smashers suddenly evil

[–] BluesF 2 points 4 weeks ago

I wasn't really considering the flag smashers, honestly, they didn't leave much of an impact. I was thinking more about Sam & Bucky's separate personal struggles - Sam with becoming a black Captain America, and Bucky with making amends. To me the real interesting conflict was not the one with the flag smashers - that just forms a standard comic-book backdrop to the more interesting look at America itself.