this post was submitted on 30 May 2024
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I understand that nvidia support for wayland is lacking, but I know it's possible.

For context, I was using sway 1.8 for a while (no official support for nvidia). It was working almost perfectly, only minor issues. After the update to 1.9, I get constant flickering.

I can downgrade to 1.8, but the fact that 1.8 was working tells me that it is possible for a window manager to work well for nvidia. The problem is the sway team does not want that headache (understandably so).

Are there any alternatives that work well with nvidia?

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[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

the fact that 1.8 was working tells me that it is possible for a window manager to work well for nvidia

Nope, it's a race condition for which the visible effects can appear or disappear for plenty of reasons. The only fix is explicit sync, which is being worked on for wlroots