this post was submitted on 29 May 2024
90 points (94.1% liked)


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A "Showerthought" is a simple term used to describe the thoughts that pop into your head while you're doing everyday things like taking a shower, driving, or just daydreaming. The best ones are thoughts that many people can relate to and they find something funny or interesting in regular stuff.


founded 1 year ago

So I created this blog from scratch, and after posting my first article I noticed something.

I suffer from post-Post clarity

I have noticied before when posting random bullshit online, but holy shit, now having to write longer stuff, it's clear as day.

As soon as I press the publish button even after re-reading the whole thing, everywhere I look is spelling/grammar mistakes and stupid takes.

How in hell does this happen?

Anyways as a proof of concept any edit will be in comment thread.

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Same! Sometimes I type the email in Notepad/Wordpad first.