Outstanding Critics of Tech
Critiques and analysis of the status quo are welcomed here. No critical engagement with contemporary society is off limits for discussion, but modern technological developments are positioned front and center.
Below are a few links that may serve as a common point of departure and stimulate discourse. Scroll to the bibliography at the end of writing if you prefer since the work of prominent authors may be familiar to more people.
Critics of Tech --> https://drive.proton.me/urls/BWAHNAG2D4#E3WDW2FzlxOF
On the Anthropocene --> https://drive.proton.me/urls/BZ1CBRWMNG#q8xgnFxv41cq
There are also several scientific and technical articles which bring up projects like DARPA's "Radiobio" program, FOIA info on DEWs, and Full Spectrum Dominance and EMF technologies.
Looking forward to hearing from you and learning more from discussing a variety of topics in critical theory.
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Ben Greenebaum, Frank Barnes https://www.routledge.com/Handbook-of-Biological-Effects-of-Electromagnetic-Fields/book-series/BEE
W. Ross Adey https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/W-Ross-Adey-2089555399
Allen Frey - Randomline p.286 pulsed low frequency microwaves, increase permeability of capillaries