this post was submitted on 24 May 2024
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[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

holy fuck it’s so much stupider than I was expecting too, and I was expecting some real stupid shit from one of the big e/a guys given their usual output

and of course my three least favorite guys know Brian well:

Chau also frequently platforms controversial figures on his podcast, including Curtis Yarvin, who has said neo-Nazis’ hearts are “in the right place”, and Richard Hanania, who recently referred to black people as “animals”. Chau called Hanania a “brilliant analyst and policy thinker” and Yarvin’s episode “among the best”.

Chau's Alliance for the Future is closely linked to the “effective accelerationism”, or e/acc, movement, a group which opposes attempts at regulating AI. The organisation counts e/acc founder Guillaume Verdon as a board member; Verdon, who regularly tweets about being a conduit for a “thermodynamic god”, has said that he is indifferent to the idea of human extinction.