this post was submitted on 22 May 2024
140 points (96.7% liked)

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[–] shalafi 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Everybody comes down here to Destin, FL. And it's starting to look way too much like this.

Sad that there are so many cooler places, right nearby. Destin is hell in the summer. One main road, jammed out with traffic, jammed out with commercial bullshit, no peace at all. Hell, at least scoot over to Pensacola Beach and get the lighter version. Plus you can cruise east 20-minutes and get some less crowded beaches, go right back to your hotel.

And don't start me on Orange Beach, AL. Concrete condos, as high and as far as you can see. Why would you visit the coast and go right into a fucking city?!