Until like 2022, Tesla door handles cost 600 dollars and had 9 contact sensors, 4 motors, and a controller board, all exposed to moisture. They had a very high failure rate.
Today, they have 2 magnetic sensors, 2 motors, and a control board, with less exposure to moisture. They still have a high failure rate, they still cost 600 dollars.
You are talking about a regular door handle, which tends to last for many, many decades without failing, right?
Electronics are far, far more likely to fail than physical links.
Until like 2022, Tesla door handles cost 600 dollars and had 9 contact sensors, 4 motors, and a controller board, all exposed to moisture. They had a very high failure rate.
Today, they have 2 magnetic sensors, 2 motors, and a control board, with less exposure to moisture. They still have a high failure rate, they still cost 600 dollars.
I think you’re talking about the Model S. The Model 3/Y don’t have motorized handles.
My 1998 Toyota Corolla where the inside and outside driver-side door handles broke begs to differ.
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but 1998 was 26 years ago.
And a 1998 Corolla cost $27,500 new (in today's dollars). A 2024 Corolla is now $22,000. Actually a good deal comparatively.
It broke in 2006