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xrandr --setmonitor LEFT 1720/1x1440/1+0+0 DP-0
xrandr --setmonitor RIGHT 1720/1x1440/1+1720+0 none
i3-msg reload
Essentially the first like tells it to only use a 1720x1440 starting at 0,0 area from the DP-0 screen. The second line creates a virtual monitor also with 1720x1440 but starting on 1720,0. The third line just reloads my WM so that it shows the bar at the top nicely.
Edit: obviously this only works if you're running X11, but I'm sure that Wayland has something similar
Sure, it's quite simple:
Essentially the first like tells it to only use a 1720x1440 starting at 0,0 area from the DP-0 screen. The second line creates a virtual monitor also with 1720x1440 but starting on 1720,0. The third line just reloads my WM so that it shows the bar at the top nicely.
Edit: obviously this only works if you're running X11, but I'm sure that Wayland has something similar