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Am I out of the loop?
Why don't people like Pizzacake?
To summarise the discourse:
The artist makes boring unfunny comics and posts them to Reddit.
The comics always seem to have tons of upvotes, every time.
People question why they are allegedly so popular when they are boring and accuse her of buying upvotes.
Artist then responds with misandrist drama comics about how all these evil men are out to get her.
Everything becomes toxic as incels come out of the woodwork to attack her and feminists defend her comics in response.
Everyone is too busy with their upvote/downvote wars to remember that the comics are actually garbage.
Damm, I didn’t know there were people with such a hateboner for pizzacake. Her stuff is not top shelf comedy but they tend to give me a chuckle consistently.
Completely agree. The normal silly comics are usually somewhat amusing. Can't say I like her more misandry ones, but they tend to be responses to actual assholes, so I just ignore them and move on when I see them.
Thanks for summarising.
I wish your anus well.
Hell if I know: I’d never even heard of it.