I used to perform masculinity more but it was psychologically killing me to a point it was affecting me physically. Even then people would pick up on my speech pattern and body language, notice I am queer and act upon it. At best I'd get mockery, but I had people trying to physically harm me or directly leading to me losing housing if I didn't want the harm to escalate.
I fear now that I no longer even perform masculinity I won't find a job and/or housing. The norms for people perceived as male when it comes to clothing are extremely strict and I adhere to none. My hair's long, I wear leggings and so on. I cannot even afford to buy the clothes to appease people who expect me to perform, but I don't think I can do it again. But I've no family and I've no clue what to do.
I am really down about it because I am at the brink of going jobless and homeless.
I will deeply appreciate no nosiness, no rude comments and generally taking into account that I'm not ready to take blows when opening up.
I am open to any recommendations regarding easy to get jobs where your looks don't matter, but I am not fully able bodied so I probably won't be able to perform them and from my own research jobs where your looks don't matter simply provide an extremely uncomfortable uniform, so the looks do matter after all. :(
I wish I was smarter or better informed, so I could give you some advice that would help, but I’m not. All I can say is hang in there, and don’t give up. Don’t let societal norms beat you down, because they’re stupid and made up anyway. As long as you keep fighting to make your life better, you never know when you’ll catch a break and really make it.