this post was submitted on 12 May 2024
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[–] CritFail 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (10 children)

I'm waiting on the news story uncovering the voting farms all over Europe funded by the Israeli government, wanting to parallel the Ukraine 2022 result to claim vindication and that they have the public's backing for their ongoing genocide of the Palestinians. Disgusting.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (9 children)

Not voting for Israel wasn't going to have an impact if you weren't voting for them anyway, however people who support Israel in the conflict voting for them will have an effect that there's very little you can do to stop. You don't think Russia would have had voting farms to stop Ukraine if it was possible? That's why they got so many votes - if they have 15% support, then they'll get that 15% of votes which is a significant number.

[–] CritFail 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I suppose that is a fair comment and a possible reason, along with those who boycotted the event will have diminished all votes going to other acts.

I still think there is a likelihood that Israel tried to play the game on public votes, because it would be a minimal spend for a big PR boost for them. Having a big Israeli company sponsor bought them a lot of the judge votes, then this move would have topped it up. It was just my initial thought when the 300+ points came up. The majority of the crowd did not take that well, along with all of the other stories about booing at the semis, the canned applause on the TV coverage to cover it up, the vote swing just seemed like too big a massive juxtaposition to global sentiment for it to carry weight.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

I saw an article on the Torygraph titled something like "I voted for Israel in Eurovision to spite the woke", and there were people in the comments talking about how they'd sent in 20 votes for Israel. And others talking about how "the left" are relentless bullies for making the Israeli singer cry, etc.

I'm wouldn't be surprised if Israel did try to influence the votes, but I think there are plenty of right-wingers willing do do it for free, too.

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