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WASDnesday (self.ukcasual)
submitted 11 months ago by B0NK3RS to c/ukcasual

It's time again to tell us what you have been playing...

Bonus question: what was the last game you completed?

Tunnel Vision (self.ukcasual)
submitted 11 months ago by Codandchips to c/ukcasual

So the family and I are on holiday in Greece and we're on a bus ride to see some place and we go through a long tunnel. I naturally go "oooooooooooooo" as we enter. My family look at me in shame, the rest of the passengers just look...

submitted 11 months ago by Finnbot to c/ukcasual

How goes folks?

Good weekend I hope. Get up to anything interesting? I’m at the tail end of a long weekend so once again I’ve let the weans sleep in and am using the time to get in about some Baldurs Gate 3 in peace.

Summer holidays are getting old - weans have their pc’s in living room and hearing my boy all day yesterday spout utter nonsense in discord was seriously ripping ma knittin’, as they say. Only another two weeks!

what's this? (
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

And there's still this much battery left. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I wasn't expecting it to still have any power left at all. I suppose with the sim out, all it was doing was powering the clock, but still! Unfortunately, I've had to retire it as my network won't connect on it anymore.


What are you up to? Out and about or avoiding Storm Antoni?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

Anyone fancy a moan about the Dartford crossing?

Woke up this morning to a £35 penalty for forgetting to pay the toll charge.

I swear they make it as easy as possible to forget...

I almost preferred when you had to toss coins into a hopper...

End whinging.

Friday fread (self.ukcasual)
submitted 11 months ago by GreyShack to c/ukcasual

Kickin' in the front seat or sittin' in the back seat: which is it today folks?

Workwise, it should be ok today, then - rain permitting - I have a bat monitoring session this evening. That might be pushed to next weekend though (I'd get to watch the Perseids at the same time, if it was, by the look of it).

And then out to an open air production of A Winter's Tale tomorrow night - also rain permitting and the forecast is currently saying it won't.

What have you got lined up?


I'm off on holiday tomorrow and will have basically no internet for over a week. So naturally I'm downloading all the media I can think of, just in case of downtime.

Thought it might be fun to solicit some musical suggestions from you lot to help expand my mind. So here we are. What's your ultimate all-time #1 album?

My tastes are pretty eclectic* so feel free to suggest basically anything, and maybe I'll update after holiday and judge what I thought of them all. Or maybe not, you know, that sounds like potentially quite a lot of effort.

Cheers in advance!

* mostly on the alternative / rock side of things but also love various kinds of dance sub-genre on occasion and of course the genre-that-isn't-a-genre-at-all, Eurovision


Happy Wednesday folks!

What have we all been watching this week?

I finished season 2 of This Fool which was great.

Currently sitting on my arse watching episode 7 of Hijack which has been a brilliant wee surprise. Not usually a fan of scary airplane stuff but this has me hooked.

Righteous Gemstones season 3 finished up this week too. Love a bit of Danny McBride and this season has been phenomenal.

Can’t forget What We Do in the Shadows - hilarious as ever.

submitted 11 months ago by Finnbot to c/ukcasual

After growing my beard out for maybe 5-6 years, trimming it myself and generally keeping it looking “reasonable” I thought I’d treat myself and go get it trimmed by a “professional” first thing before a day full of webex meetings.

Now admittedly it was maybe a bit What year is it?, but it was well taken care of. Wee dude even commented on how it was one of the softest he’d cut.

Then he fucking trimmed it to fuck, into a big sorcerers point while I just sat there aghast. Absolutely scunnered.


Hi! 👋 Here's our #introduction. We're BBC Research & Development; we explore and test new technology to discover how the BBC can best make use of it in the future. For 100 years our engineers have been at the forefront of developments in broadcasting. We're now researching how everyone could get TV & radio via the internet...


Forgot my hands don't really work first thing, and the bottle of laundry juice was brand new and heavy.

Luckily I've got two loads to go on and managed to scrape this lot off the bench with my hand into a spare one of those cup things. But urgh, the kitchen floor is all a bit Ghostbusters 2.

Smells nice, like, it's got that going for it.


I had a good Sunday lunch at the pub and a relaxed afternoon yesterday, have a relatively sane looking week lined up at work and then out for an outdoor Shakespeare play (rain permitting) on Friday.


It's Saturday! For many of us, probably the best day of the week. Even if it turns out to be crap then we still have Sunday waiting in reserve.

So, what are your exciting plans for this, a traditional drizzly British summer weekend?

We were planning another two day camping trip, but with thunderstorms forecast at our destination, I think as a family we have all decided to dump that concept and just doss around instead.


So I was at a seaside arcade over the past week. Spent some time spamming the 2p slots machines and tickets are firing out of this thing. Go to exchange these at the kiosk and notice that you can get quite a few domestic appliances on the back shelf (13,000 tickets for a toaster, £5 of 2p slots got me 80 tickets).

Are people actually skillful enough to game the system and win these over just going to Argos? Or do gambling addicts just collect tickets over time to exchange for a toaster after a few months as a consolation prize?


The Rosetta Stone for spotting a Welsh accent is: "I'm not bein' funny but like…"


Friyay or Frinay? (self.ukcasual)
submitted 11 months ago by GreyShack to c/ukcasual

What's lined up for today - or for the weekend then?

For me, on the plus side: pizza tonight.

On the minus side, I just had to update an address, which ended up involving installing an app which PLAYED MUSIC at me in the play store before even installing it. When did that become a thing?? Needless to say, it did not go down well with the SO.

nice (
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

I guess whoever is up earliest on a Thursday gets to make it, and isn't being up really early cause enough for complaint in itself? Hmm, this is far too deep philosophy for so early in the morning.

Anyway. My main complaint this week is that our new neighbours have got a new tiny puppy. It's a little bulldog type thing I believe, but absolutely tiny so even the couple of glimpses I've had of it running around the back garden it's been mostly hidden in the grass.

The complain is not the existence of a new tiny neighbour, it's that I can't think of a not-socially awkward way of meeting it.

I demand to meet the puppy!

Anyway how's your Thursday? Get it all off your chest before the weekend, that's the healthy way.

WASDnesday (self.ukcasual)
submitted 11 months ago by B0NK3RS to c/ukcasual

What has been taking up your time this week?

Something new or something from your never ending backlog make sure you share it with us here!

Wednesday WINS (
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

I miss the daily chat threads, what’s everyone up to today?

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