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Community to discuss Summit, a Lemmy reader for Android.

App (Play Store):




founded 1 year ago
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

Welcome to v1.33.x.

This release is going to be a little different from the others.

While other releases are centered around big features or tasks, this release is centered around a large number of small changes.

Due to this, I am going to be breaking this release into multiple small point releases. The reasons for doing so are:

  1. Since this release doesn't hinge on any big task's completion, there is nothing stopping me from doing releases after completing a number of small tasks.
  2. Each change is aimed at improving the user experience. Thus getting these changes out as quickly as possible is important. There's no reason to prolong the end user's suffering from a less polished experience.

As always please feel free to provide any feedback/bug reports in the comments.

Full changelog


  • Auto-clear notifications if user looks at inbox screen.
  • Updated the UI of the community info screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the FAB button would be in the wrong spot if the keyboard is opened and closed.
  • Fixed some minor bugs when searching for communities.
  • Fixed a bug where image previews are blurry.
  • Fixed some image viewer bugs.


  • Mention suggestions. When creating a post or comment, mentions (starting with ! or @) will show suggestions based what is typed.
  • Changed long tap on an image in the post list to open the image options menu. Previously it would preview the image full screen. This change was made to make long tapping more consistent (long tapping things usually opens a context menu).
  • Image preview redesign. Move buttons to the bottom of the screen for easier access. Translucent UI. UI auto hides on zoom.
  • Fixed a bug with the layout "Large list" where images would be clipped on the sides.
  • Fixed a bug where tapping "Share image" will cause the share sheet to show up constantly.


  • Rework the community options menu. Organized and updated the options shown.
  • Added subscribe/unsubscribe as an action to the community options menu & link menu (for communities).
  • Added a solid background color to community and profile icons so they don't look odd when placed in front of a banner.
  • Added undo button to save post/comment snackbar.
  • Fixed some snack bar layout issues.


This is equivalent to release v1.33.1. It's unique to the Github release and was done to address a build issue.


  • Fixed two rare-ish crashes.
  • Overhauled the community navigation logic. This should hopefully eliminate more navigation bugs.


  • Update message layout on the inbox screen to clearly indicate the sender and receiver.
  • Better blocking experience. Blocking a user/community or instance should now show a snackbar when the action completes with a button to undo.
  • Link menu enhancements. Long tapping "links" (eg. user name) will show more rich options that are specific to the link type. For instance long tapping a community link will show community options as well as link options.
  • Removed setting "sharing images directly". Due to the link menu enhancements, the setting for "sharing images directly" is now obsolete because both options are always present for images.
  • Fixed a bug where WEBM videos will not play.
  • Fixed some weird navigation bugs.
5 issues (
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/summit

Is anyone else having issues with the redgif.coms opening? Is it summit or something else? It seems I can get some to open but the majority just will not. I just wasn't sure if reddit was blocking them.


In this post the image seems to have a transparent background. I'm using the black theme and I only see the black background and a few grey lines. I guess the image shouldn't have a transparent background in the first place, but it is like it is.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

I'm going against my original plans which was to implement user suggestions and instead jumping into polishing and fine tuning of the app. Enough stuff in the app bother me that I just want to clean it all up sooner rather than later.


This will be the last v1.33.x release. This release should add the rest of the tweaks I had in mind.

Changes so far:

  • Auto-clear notifications if user looks at inbox screen.
  • Updated the UI of the community info screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the FAB button would be in the wrong spot if the keyboard is opened and closed.
  • Fixed some minor bugs when searching for communities.
  • Fixed a bug where image previews are blurry.
  • Fixed some image viewer bugs.


Changes so far:

  • Mention suggestions. When creating a post or comment, mentions (starting with ! or @) will show suggestions based what is typed.
  • Fixed a bug where tapping "Share image" will cause the share sheet to show up constantly.
  • Changed long tap on an image in the post list to open the image options menu. Previously it would preview the image full screen. This change was made to make long tapping more consistent (long tapping things usually opens a context menu).
  • Image preview redesign. Move buttons to the bottom of the screen for easier access. Translucent UI. UI auto hides on zoom.
  • Fixed a bug with the layout "Large list" where images would be clipped on the sides.


Changes so far:

  • Rework the community options menu. Organized and updated the options shown.
  • Added subscribe/unsubscribe as an action to the community options menu & link menu (for communities).
  • Added a solid background color to community and profile icons so they don't look odd when placed in front of a banner.
  • Added undo button to save post/comment snackbar.
  • Fixed some snack bar layout issues.

Old (v1.33.1)

Changes so far:

  • Fixed two rare-ish crashes.
  • Overhauled the community navigation logic. This should hopefully eliminate more navigation bugs.

Old (v1.33.0)

Changes so far:

  • Update message layout on the inbox screen to clearly indicate the sender and receiver.
  • Link menu enhancements. Long tapping "links" (eg. user name) will show more rich options that are specific to the link type. For instance long tapping a community link will show community options as well as link options.
  • Removed setting "sharing images directly". Due to the link menu enhancements, the setting for "sharing images directly" is now obsolete because both options are always present for images.
  • Fixed a bug where WEBM videos will not play.
  • Fixed some weird navigation bugs.


Going to keep this post alive even though v1.33.0's release is imminent. This is because I will be implementing many more changes as point releases (eg. v1.33.1, v1.33.2, etc) and I will update this post accordingly.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

This release adds the ability to create, edit or even delete communities. It also includes some very minor QoL improvements and bug fixes.

Full changelog

  • Added an option to the Import & Export settings page to backup and reset your current settings.
  • Added support for editing communities.
  • Added support for creating communities.
  • Added option to delete a community.
  • Update back behavior. Tapping back while on a community that is not the home community will take you back to the home community instead of exiting the app.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes a vertical line would appear on the right side of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where you can't swipe left to leave a post in certain situations.
April fools is over (self.summit)
submitted 3 months ago by idunnololz to c/summit

Sorry guys but the year in review was an April fools joke. I don't collect any personal data from users so it's very difficult if not impossible for those graphs/infographics to be real. If people want a real year-in-review with real stats I'm going to actually have to think of ways to collect data anonymously with user consent. Anyways, hope the joke wasn't too mean :D.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

This was the April Fools joke for 2023. All stats/graphs are made up. See for details.

Hi everyone! I know it’s a bit late for a year in review but I’ve been extremely busy with the app’s development and I only recently had some downtime.

2023 was a crazy year for me. It was the start of the end of Reddit for me and it led to the creation of Summit for Lemmy. Since Summit’s inception, I’ve been collecting ton of stats from the users to help improve the app and for other uses. I’ve compiled all of the data for 2023 into some cool infographics that I thought would be interesting to share. These stats will also be the baseline I will use for future data collected.

Note that all of the data below were collected from 2023. It does not include data from 2024.

To start it off let’s take a look at some high level stats from 2023.

Summit Users - High Level Stats

For high level stats, the numbers are pretty much what you’d expect. Most Summit users do have at least one account on This makes sense since it’s the largest server by far. The only slight variance here is that actually makes it to the top 5 instances for Summit users.

Summit Users - Community Stats

The top community stats amongst Summit users tracks pretty closely with community popularity. The time spent per community however paints a pretty surprising picture. Note that the # of visits and hours spent are not shown to respect user’s privacy.

Summit Users - By Country

This infographic was actually pretty difficult to make. Unsurprisingly a lot of Summit’s users reside in English speaking countries. This is expected since Summit in 2023 was not localized and only supported English.

Note: The geographic location is generated from user’s IP addresses. IP addresses from VPNs are filtered out.

Summit Users - Awards

This is a new tradition I want to start and I am very excited about it. I came up with several awards and created some heuristics to determine the winners for each award based on the stats. Every year I will pick new winners and we can start a Summit hall of fame.

For this year, our award winners are…

Note: For password strength, I used an open source library that output a number between 0.0 and 1.0 for each password based on some heuristic. I will not disclose the exact library used so that users cannot game the system if I choose to do this again for 2024.

Please join me in congratulating 2023’s award winners

@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]

Let's give a huge round of applause for each of them.

Final thoughts

All-in-all, 2023 was an amazing year for Summit for Lemmy. The app was created, hundreds of features were added and we gained so many users. So to all of Summit’s users I want to give everyone a big thank you! May 2024 bring even more excitement!****


If I sort a multicommunity by 'Hot', it will show all posts from community 1, then all posts by community 2, etc... kind of defying the purpose of a multicommunity at all. I solved it by sorting by 'New' instead, but I figured I'd mention it here because it took me a while to notice - I thought people were not making new posts at all, while in fact, it was just displaying all posts by a lowly populated community first.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

Writing this down so I don't forget but to also give the community some insight as well.

My immediate plans for Summit is to support creating and editing communities from within the app. After that I will look at the user requests and try to finish those off again. Once all of that is done I'm going to be doing some fine tuning of the app.

As a daily user of the app, I think the app currently offers a decent base experience for browsing Lemmy but it's not polished; the user experience is a little bare. A lot of features can use some small adjustments to make them nicer to use.

I've been gathering ideas on how certain features can be made better over the past few weeks but this is also a great time to ask the community to bring up any slight annoyances they've had with the app.

Anyways that's all from me for now.

Changes so far:

  • Update back behavior. Tapping back while on a community that is not the home community will take you back to the home community instead of exiting the app.
  • Added an option to the Import & Export settings page to backup and reset your current settings.
  • Added support for editing communities.
  • Added support for creating communities.
  • Added option to delete a community.


Some of the minor changes noted here have been released as v1.31.1 so they have been moved to the v1.31.1 release post instead.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

Huge thank you to our translators Scambled777, Dieguito and Erik for the new translations! This release pushes translations for Hindi and Italian as well as partial translations for Swedish.

This release also cements Summit's translation process. These are processes I will need to go through on every release to ensure that (1) all translations are up-to-date in every release and (2) proper credit is given to all translators.

Full changelog

  • Added support for Hindi (by Scambled777)
  • Added support for Italian (by Dieguito)
  • Added partial support for Swedish (by Erik)
  • Added translators screen to give our translators credit.
  • Added list of moderated communities to the user profile screen.
  • Remove post & comment score from the profile page. These stats used to be reported by the Lemmy API but they were removed in v0.19. To keep with the spirit of the Lemmy devs I am removing these scores.
  • Improve performance of the user actions screen.
  • Automatically dismiss notification if user reads inbox item.
  • Fixed some text formatting bugs.
  • Support per-app language settings on Android 13 and above.
  • Fixed a bug where sort would not work for multi-communities.
  • Fixed a bug where the "post hidden" snackbar would appear more than one per post hidden.


Due to the multi-community sort bug described here, I am doing a dot release since the bug makes multi-communities nearly unusable.


  • Added list of moderated communities to the user profile screen.
  • Support per-app language settings on Android 13 and above.
  • Fixed a bug where sort would not work for multi-communities.
  • Fixed a bug where the "post hidden" snackbar would appear more than one per post hidden.
[WIP][v1.31.0] wip (self.summit)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

Changes so far:

  • Remove post & comment score from the profile page. These stats used to be reported by the Lemmy API but they were removed in v0.19. To keep with the spirit of the Lemmy devs I am removing these scores.
  • Improve performance of the user actions screen.
  • Automatically dismiss notification if user reads inbox item.
  • Fixed some text formatting bugs.
  • Added screen to give translators credit.


Working on a big project on the side that's sort of related with the app so development will be a bit slower for a bit (like a week).

2 Quick Questions (self.summit)
submitted 3 months ago by anon6789 to c/summit

It feels silly for me to worry about it, as it means nothing, but is post and content score killed by Lemmy version of the instance or by the app?

I don't see a score in my backup app or on the web, but the spot for it is still in Summit and it had scores until recently. I've been having some issues with image uploads which seems to be local to me, so I'm trying to debug some other stuff and I noticed it had changed.

Second thing is a feature I was thinking of. Is it possible to have a Random community navigation, or does the decentralized nature prevent that? Now that I'm more in my established rut of communities in read, I miss the random nice from my old Reddit app.

Thanks as always!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

This release contains some general improvements to the app as well as a bunch of bug fixes. However, the biggest change from last week is not with the app release. It is the addition of the translations framework put into place. There will be a post about this separately.

Full changelog

  • Added a new layout, "list with cards", which is essentially list layout but with cards as it's name suggests.
  • Changed the timestamp of posts/comments to show the time when it was published instead of the time it was updated.
  • Changed hide post to show a snackbar with an undo button.
  • Improve link/image menus and make them more consistent. Long tapping an image will show a more specific image actions menu. Long tapping on embedded images will show the same menu. The overflow button in the image viewer brings up the same menu.
  • Fixed a bug where comments in the saved and search screens do not show vote counts and their voting buttons do nothing.
  • Fixed a rare bug where videos supported by the app are unable to be played.
  • Fixed a bug where the save post button in the quick action menu will do the opposite of what it's supposed to (eg. when it's supposed to save the post it removes it and when its supposed to remove the post from saved, it saves it).
  • Fixed a bug where anything wrapped in angle brackets (<like_this>) would be removed from a post/comment.
  • Fixed a bug where refreshing on the inbox screen will not auto-scroll to the top of the list.
  • Fixed a rare crash that can occur when downloading videos.

A post/comment that was published, say, ten days ago, but edited two days ago, is shown as being published two days ago. Would it be possible to display the date as "10d (2d)" or something similar, to distinguish between the two dates?


In the linked comment I can't see the text between "less than" and "greater than" (like a HTML ).

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/summit

The Save Post icon (circled in the image) seems to only remove posts from my saved list, not add them. To save a post I have to use the contextual menu in the bottom right corner of the screen.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

Not 100% what to do about translations just yet. For now I've set up a website to allow for crowd source translations here:

Changes so far:

  • Fixed a bug where comments in the saved and search screens do not show vote counts and their voting buttons do nothing.
  • Fixed a rare bug where videos supported by the app are unable to be played.
  • Added a new layout, "list with cards", which is essentially list layout but with cards as it's name suggests.
  • Fixed a bug where the save post button in the quick action menu will do the opposite of what it's supposed to (eg. when it's supposed to save the post it removes it and when its supposed to remove the post from saved, it saves it).
  • Fixed a bug where anything wrapped in angle brackets (<like_this>) would be removed from a post/comment.
  • Changed the timestamp of posts/comments to show the time when it was published instead of the time it was updated.
  • Fixed a bug where refreshing on the inbox screen will not auto-scroll to the top of the list.
  • Changed hide post to show a snackbar with an undo button.
  • Fixed a rare crash that can occur when downloading videos.
  • Improve link/image menus and make them more consistent. Long tapping an image will show a more specific image actions menu. Long tapping on embedded images will show the same menu. The overflow button in the image viewer brings up the same menu.


I will make a more proper announcement about translations later. For now, the translation thing is just something I wanted to share since this is a [WIP] post and it is very much work in progress. I'll update the community via edits to this post but once I have more concrete plans I will make an official post.

Update 2

Been a busy week so not too many updates on the translations just yet. I have more time now and I think this is my current plan for it:

  1. ~~I will set up continuous integration with Weblate (the localization website). This means that changes to strings within the project are auto-updated on the localization website.~~
  2. ~~I will comb through all strings in the app and add comments/context to them as necessary and delete unused ones.~~
  3. ~~I will push the update to the localization website.~~
  4. I will make an announcement that the localization website is ready for use. From this point on, any volunteers can freely add translations and they will be included in future releases.

This is my current plan of attack. I'll post updates as I check off things in the list.

Update: Done step 1.

Update: Done step 2. That took a very long time.

Update: Done step 3.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

This update adds notifications support to the app. Notifications will need to be enabled on a per-account basis to reduce the amount of unnecessary API calls. You can find notifications & their per-account settings in Settings > Notifications. By default notifications are disabled.

When notifications are enabled, you will get notified of any unread DMs, mentions or replies to your posts. In addition, if you are an admin or mod, you will also get notified of reports.

Like previous updates, this update also adds a lot of quality of life improvements such as better video support and bug fixes. See the full change log for details.

Due to notifications being a big change, this release will be rolled out slowly over the next two days to reduce the impact of bugs on users.

Full change log

  • Added notifications as an optional feature to the app. This feature is off by default. To enable, go to Settings > Notifications.
  • Added support for RedGifs.
  • Added more options in the built-in video player.
  • Changed the comment screen to auto focus the input field when first shown.
  • Fixed an issue where custom comment gesture actions where not being applied.
  • Fixed a regression with screenshot mode where post actions are not hidden when in screenshot mode.
  • Fixed some inconsistent scrolling behavior throughout the app.


Rollout complete. There is one minor bug found but it was very minor so I will punt for next update. The bug is, if you tap on a notification, it will take you to the message in your inbox, however when you go back (to your inbox) the message looks like its not read yet. This is a client side bug only; the message is correctly marked as read on the server.

Update 2

There is a very minor update for the Github release to fix a crash that is only present in the Github release (there was some code that had undefined behavior so the Github and PlayStore versions had different behavior despite being compiled from the same code). Thus the Github release is v1.29.1.


Changing the colours for gestures works when applying gestures to posts but not comments, i.e. you always see the default colours when applying a gesture to a comment.

@[email protected] this seems like it's been around for a while, but your efficiency at fixing issues has encouraged me to raise more!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Konn to c/summit


Like always: thank you for working on my favorite app for lemmy. The constant updates and general polish of features are really great!

Now on to the problem:

Since this morning (I guess after an update?) summit refused to start up - when I tried to open the app, it just instantly crashed. I read in another thread that if you delete all data (via the Android options), you could use the app again. So I tried that, signed on my accounts and tuned the setting - just for summit to continue crashing whenever I click on a post.

If there is anything I can do to provide some insight into these crashes (not very technically versed), please instruct me on what to do. :)

Edit: just tried a bit more. Pictures enlarge like normal when clicked on them. Links also open in the internal browser just fine.

It's when I try to open a post into the post/comment view, that summit crashes. Hope this helps narrow it down!


I just updated Summit to the latest version (and I also applied a minor Android update too, so it could be that) and now Summit won't start (exits after a few seconds). Here's a (truncated) log if you're interested:

type: crash
osVersion: google/redfin/redfin:14/UP1A.231105.001/2024022300:user/release-keys
package: com.idunnololz.summit:142
process: com.idunnololz.summit
processUptime: 67876 + 302 ms

java.lang.StackOverflowError: stack size 8188KB
	at java.util.HashMap.hash(
	at java.util.HashMap.getNode(
	at java.util.HashMap.containsKey(
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:20)
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26)
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26)
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26)
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26)
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26)
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26)
	at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26)
	at com.idunnololz.summit.util.BaseFragment$runOnReady$1.c(SourceFile:11)
	at com.idunnololz.summit.main.MainActivity$runOnReady$1.e(SourceFile:13)
	at tc.z.b(SourceFile:13)
	at androidx.lifecycle.j0.b(SourceFile:30)
	at androidx.lifecycle.j0.c(SourceFile:56)
	at androidx.lifecycle.p0.k(SourceFile:15)
	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
	at android.os.Looper.loop(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
	at Method)
New theme change? (self.summit)
submitted 3 months ago by anon6789 to c/summit

I didn't notice anything about it in the change notes, but after the latest update the replies count area is now a bright orange box.

Orange is one of my 2 fav colors, but I feel it pulls my eyes away from the post titles since it is so bold on the dark theme.

Is this change something we can get an option box for? I'd probably get used to it, but this color theme is my favorite still, but I preferred it before.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit


Welcome to the notifications update where I will attempt to add notifications support to the app.

But first, this coming release will add support for RedGifs. This means that any RedGif links will play within the app and not error out. In addition, the built-in video player is getting many more options in the overflow menu to match the options of images.

Changes so far:

  • Added support for RedGifs.
  • Added more options in the built-in video player.
  • Changed the comment screen to auto focus the input field when first shown.
  • Fixed an issue where custom comment gesture actions where not being applied.
  • Fixed a regression with screenshot mode where post actions are not hidden when in screenshot mode.
  • Fixed some inconsistent scrolling behavior throughout the app.
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by idunnololz to c/summit

This release polishes the app further with several bug fixes and general improvements. It also brings with it several new customization options. With this release, all user requests thus far have been implemented. The next release will likely include a feature from the original roadmap, so that will be exciting.

Full change log

  • Added settings to set the default sort order on a per community/feed level.
  • Added a setting to show all inline media in comments as links. Eg. if a comment has an image in the body, it will appear as a link instead.
  • Added a setting to customize the post quick actions menu.
  • Changed how hide scores works. Enabling hide scores will hide the score regardless of action. You can still check scores in the detailed views.
  • Fixed a rare bug where expanding the content of a post within the community feed will cause the text of another expanded post to disappear.
  • Fixed an issue where bottom sheets shown within dialogs have the incorrect amount of bottom padding.
  • Fixed an issue where comments in the search screen are highlighted when they should not be.
  • Fixed some incorrect padding issues.
  • Fixed a bug where swiping on the post quick actions bar will not move you back to the post list screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the comment icon size is inconsistent in places in the app. Also changed the icon for a new one.
  • Fixed a bug where the comment button has the wrong styles if "Show up and down votes" is enabled.


Fixed some issues with the release. These changes will be released as v1.28.1:

  • Fixed a bug where swiping on the post quick actions bar will not move you back to the post list screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the comment icon size is inconsistent in places in the app. Also changed the icon for a new one.

Update 2


  • Fixed a bug where the comment button has the wrong styles if "Show up and down votes" is enabled.

Update 3


  • Fixed a bug introduced in v1.28.2 the app can crash on startup if certain preferences were changed (post gesture size, comment gesture size and auto collapse comment threshold).
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