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A backup community for r/RedditAlternatives on, this community can host similar discussions to the ones on the subreddit. Although it is a bit redundant since [email protected] exists.


Rule 1: Comments and Posts Must be CivilComments must be civil. What does this mean? No racism, homophobia, blasphemy, arguments, drama, trolls, insults, slurs, automated rage bots, political attacks, profile fishing, etc.

Rule 2: Headlines must be DescriptiveIf you are submitting an alternative, please include an intro or elevator pitch to your headline. Add comments to the headline beyond the alternative's name or domain, such as what makes it unique, or its elevator pitch.

Rule 3: No advertising non-Reddit alternativesYou are 100% free to advertise and promote your website, but it MUST be a Reddit alternative (and follow the submission guidelines as stated in the rules). Promoting other sites like YouTube, Twitch, OnlyFans, merch stores, etc. will result in the post/comment being removed. Promoting sex sites like OnlyFans will result in an additional permanent ban.

Rule 4: All websites must be secure

All websites must be secure and safe to visit for the visitor. It means the following:

  • Websites must start with HTTPS. HTTP is not allowed due to security hazards (many websites switched to HTTPS ages ago, and so can you). Links without HTTPS will be removed.

  • The website should not contain any viruses, cookie loggers, shady popups, fake alerts, downloaders, worms/trojans/ransomware, etc. If your website contains any of that, you will be permanently banned and appeal will not be possible.

Rule 5: No Off-topic Posts

All posts must be related to Reddit Alternatives.

This means no meme posts, no non alternatives posts, or other low-quality and irrelevant posts.

Rule 6: No ScamsIf we have valid proof of you scamming other Members or users for real life cash (whether they are from this sub or not), you will be permanently banned. Appeal will not be allowed for this violation. It is criminal to scam in most countries and states.

Rule 7: No Invite posts or Invite beggingPosts asking for invites to alternatives will be removed, posts offering to give out invites will also be removed, and if money was requested in exchange for the invites the user permanently banned in accordance with Rule 6.

Rule 8: No ScabpostingPeople who post pro-reddit scabbing content will be banned permanently from the community and be reported to Instance admins for trolling. We'll know when we see it, don't test us.

founded 1 year ago
there doesn't seem to be anything here