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postmarketOS - a real Linux distribution for phones and other mobile devices 🐧 📱 👩‍💻


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founded 3 years ago

anyone managed to attach a monitor to a Poco F1 or Oneplus 6/6T?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Having ascertained, I'd like to be able to transfer screenshots off my Plasma Mobile device.

  1. I try to access it via KDE Plasma 6's Disks & Devices plasmoid (widget):


  2. However, all I see is:


Weirdly, it's acting like

I ask because I'd like to upload screenshots to, and ascertain whether it affects


cross-posted from:

While our XMR.ID stagenet test is about to conclude, I've taken the time to polish and publish another piece from my Sxmo collection - a set of tools that should help simplify your everyday Monero use on desktop, terminal and mobile.

It's called units and is intended to be used as your main calculator and friendly companion for quick XMR rate-conversions.


Feel free to report any issues.

PS: The first piece of the collection is codes, a means of monitoring gift card spending and balances. It was published in September and announced on XMR.ID's Matrix.


Hi folks! Yesterday, I joined the club and installed PostmarketOS+phosh on my "new" OnePlus6. Besides a usb-c (power only) cable that cost me an hour to troubleshoot, everything went smoothly.

Well, nearly everything. What I cant figure out at this point is how to install and get software. I'm on the latest stable release which might have been a mistake but I'm usually quite cautious at first.

So my problem is pmos came with 16 apps preinstalled and the software app only shows these when I open it. Can someone confirm or deny if this is normal? I asked around in 5 different places for stuff in the last 16 hrs (yes, I did sleep in between) and I know a lot of stuff now but this I could not figure out. :D

I know I can install flatpak, which I did but it never shows any results at all which I find unrealistic. I put in the repo like it is shown in the wiki and I have internet. Something else must be wrong.

I'm an admin by trade and I do some software development as a hobby so feel free to assume I know how to use the command line. I'm only a full time linux user for maybe half a year.

Anybody got ideas what might be wrong?


I tried to update my Pinephone CE using "sudo apk upgrade -a" and received the error

"Not continuing due to stale/unavailable repositories. Use --force-missing-repositories to continue"

I am on 23.12 with Phosh. I remember hearing that the Pinephone may be getting dropped from main to community so I wasn't sure if this was related to that or something different. Is it safe to use the command it suggests ? I figured I would ask before blindly doing it.

#38 FOSDEM 2024 Special (
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit 2/2/24: So, earlier today, I got the idea to use lvm. I've only used it once in a TUI install, so I had to learn how CLI tools today. I was pleased to see volume group and changes made to the logical volume persisted after a reboot.

While trying to learn how to configure the initramfs to boot pmOS from a logical volume, I discovered a gitlab thread from 2017 discussing using system and userdata as a logical volume:

So, I'm gonna continue investigating that. Still curious as to what's preventing the partition layout from being altered. Maybe I'll figure that out along the way.

This phone only has 8GB of internal storage. I've attempted to remove the system and userdata partitions and create a larger unified partition in their place. I have no desire to ever run Android on it again, so I'm willing to risk bricking it. No matter what I do, those partitions are restored after a reboot.

I've tried directly doing so via parted in pmOS running from an SD.

On my PC, I've tried cloning the internal storage, making the partitions accessible via losetup and partprobe, editing them via parted, and piping the edited clone via dd using ssh in pmOS and adb in TWRP.

Afterward, I'd use partprope and run 'ls /dev/(block/)mmcblk0*', lsblk, and 'parted /dev/(block)/mmcblk0 p' to verify that the desired partitions are in place. Only in pmOS, though. TWRP gives a device busy error when using partprobe.

I've tried using using fastboot's delete-logical-partition option, but that failed with an error telling me to run 'fastboot oem help', which lists no commands to delete partitions. I realized today the aforementioned would apparently only work on devices using Android dynamic partitions.

In pmOS, I see no output in dmesg when editing partitions. I have no idea what to search for online and keep getting irrelevant or no results. Does anyone know what is occurring here or what I should be looking out for?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I would like to incentivize timely (1-2 months max.) implementation of pmOS camera-support for SDM845 devices by offering a bounty of 6 XMR (Monero, the digital cash). The intent to win the bounty has to be discussed here beforehand.

If supporting the entire list of devices implies significantly more effort than a subset, the minimum should be OnePlus and Shift. Details from comment:

When one opens a camera application (like millipixels), the screen should show what the camera points at and capturing color photo and video of that content should be possible. It should run in a stable manner (meaning no anticipated crashes) and the required changes should be accepted into the postmarketOS edge branch.

If bounties happen to be against the ethos of the project, let me know.

On the contrary, I hereby invite others to chip in.

Comment if interested.


We currently have a generic port for Nvidia Tegra 2/3/4 devices using U-Boot as bootloader, supporting 9 different devices at the time of writing. This wouldn't have been possible without the work of Svyatoslav Ryhel (also known as Clamor), who has been working on Tegra devices for the last few years and is also a maintainer of Nvidia Tegra SoCs in U-Boot.

The wiki page has a list of supported devices.

Svyatoslav ported most of these devices without owning one, just relying on testing from people. This means anyone having such a device can reach him and eventually will be able to replace the old proprietary vendor bootloader with U-Boot.


Today I checked the pmos sub and was quite surprised it was closed. And for what reason? API change is ancient history.

Clearly, the protest amounted to nothing and frankly once I figured out that reddit api change wasn't about preventing foss apps, but about squeezing paid apps out of the market, I didn't care about it at all.

What's important for any project is the community, and reddit is simply the only place where such community can grow. So why not open it back up?

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