Pikmin Bloom App

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A community to discuss Niantic's Pickmin Bloom game. Tips, tricks, events, questions, rants and raves are all fair game.

founded 2 years ago
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

Weekly challenges allow up to 5 total people per attempt and the more active participants you have, the easier the challenge becomes. Mushroom invites were added 10/10/2023.

Please add your friend code for others to find, or look among the ones already listed.

Recommended pattern:

  • In Game Name
  • Friend Code in 123456781234 format (no spaces)
  • Avg steps per week
  • Avg flowers per week
  • Interest in second challenges in a week (and which one(s))
  • Mushroom invite information


  • AlexDaGreat
  • 123478905678
  • 40k steps/week
  • 40k flowers/week
  • Interested in second challenge for steps, if first is complete by Wednesday
  • I'd invite for large or special mushrooms OR interesting postcards. I live in Macedonia. Interested in getting similar invites.

The Discord also has a large friend thread which I've used successfully in the past.

Quick Reference - Sticky (self.pikminbloomapp)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

As this community is built out, various references will be added. This will work as a springboard to those references - on lemmy and elsewhere.

Pikmin Bloom News

#New to the Game

#General Strategies

#Decor Collection

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/pikminbloomapp

From pikmin bloom on Twitter

We are currently investigating an issue with frequent network errors in the app. Please wait for a while until the issue is resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


I’ve personally experienced this a few hours ago and wanted to share.


Is it the first time they do this or annual thing?


I'm usually very relieved when I complete a decor set.

Now there's more and there's even levels that you climb by... Releasing them? You get them to send the away permanently.

Or that's how I understand it.

What do y'all think of the changes? Will you be chasing the rares? Do you plan to release them?

Will you get them, raise them and release after you have x number of that kind and color?

Steps froze in challenge (self.pikminbloomapp)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

My normal step counter is incrementing, but the 3k step is frozen solid. Restarts and all.

Do y'all have this issue too?

Edit :full phone restart was required. Not ideal, but at least I'm not waiting on bug fix.


Nope! Had to quick charge my radar, but o e last day of snow got it for me!

submitted 11 months ago by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

After guessing last month and getting it wrong, I have no idea what to expect for April's pikmin.

Last year it was Easter, but I dunno that they'd do that twice in a row.

What do y'all think it could be?

Reminder about Bullhorns (self.pikminbloomapp)
submitted 1 year ago by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

We have 3 starting today and continuing until March 10th.

March Event - Actual (pikminbloom.com)
submitted 1 year ago by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

Sorry about the earlier speculation.

This is the link to the event that starts 3/1. It looks like red, blue & yellow pikmin will be earned by collecting poetry slips, while the others will be from spins after mushrooms and such.

More details in the link. Mii clothes as reward for poetry slip milestones, like usual.

Map Update soon (community.pikminbloom.com)
submitted 1 year ago by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

Sounds like the map will see an update of:

  • More mushrooms
  • More blooms
  • Postcard images

I'm hoping this is additive and not an overhaul of where mushrooms exist. Although if well-known landmarks could be mushrooms, I'd love that.

Fingers crossed and it sounds like it happens soon.


I got the notification for this feature and almost immediately dove in. I love it.

In conversation, it seems like not everyone caught on to what's happening here.

If you go to your Pikmin, select decor and then filter by whatever category you want, you now see which types you have AND the full set of pikmin you own who are part of that category.

That's handy after a challenge month when we may want to figure out what can be "released." Or just when we're trying to stay under some number of pikmin.

Thought I'd share, hope y'all are having fun, staying active, and thank you to friends you bullhorn me into specials and larges. :-)

New Ramen Decor (pikminbloom.com)
submitted 1 year ago by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

I don't remember getting a notification about these, so I'm posting here. There's some new Ramen Noodle Keychain Pikmin.


Best link 8 can find at the moment.


It's just the standard Niantic Community Day thing, but I know my wife and I usually plan something more walk-centric on weekends like this. Reminders help.


This almost escaped my attention and it seems important for gameplay and planning.


And that continues until 12/24.


It's not a long blog post, but there's a lot to what they have to say. Recommend the click.

A new "Fairy light" kind of pikmin (found at appliance stores), a new Electric Special Mushroom (for yellow pickmin), and an emphasized roll out period.

Take all of that, and give everyone three bullhorns per day (for the duration), and I see a lot of activity kicking off. And I see mushroom recharges being bought across the world...

I had been plateauing with my squad - this is a fun and unexpected addition. I'm jazzed.

Note: the cute mittens and the old Winter Stickers are concurrent to much of this. I think I see extra steps in my future.

What do y'all think? Like, dislike, wish was different??


What I saw was an initial flurry of invites - usually special or large/giant. Then those kinds of mushrooms became more scarce and now invites are... 2 per day, at best. Some days I get no invites and see nothing worth inviting others to.

How have things been for you or y'all?

IGN: Clyde Barrow

Its tomorrow somewhere... (self.pikminbloomapp)
submitted 1 year ago by APassenger to c/pikminbloomapp

Any news on special pikmin or new challenges?


Is anyone planning any big hits? Chained invites?

I've seen good hits on Giants, but never anything close to a 4 star and I'd love to see that at least once.

Halloween Mushrooms (self.pikminbloomapp)
submitted 1 year ago by colorsoloud to c/pikminbloomapp

So frustrated by the rewards on these.

  1. It’s harder to get past 1 star than previous events I’ve done. Even with 2-3 people, I’m getting 1 star on most normal HW mushrooms

  2. and then, all I’m getting is Halloween candy from boxes. I got a couple of Pikmin early on, which was awesome, but now it’s just 50 candy. And I need to collect thousands! It’s a drop in the bucket.

  3. I don’t even want the devil tail. I thought candy was going to be like points we could spend at a costume store, but no. It’s mission driven and there’s no way I will ever get the cat ears, the one item I want.

I wish there were more Pikmin from boxes. It just feels like I’m investing a lot of effort for very little gain. They barely ever come up as a reward for the stage challenges, either. Thinking it was a lucky fluke that I ever got a complete Mahjongg set.


I rather enjoyed it. Invited others to one and I was invited to some others.

It all seemed to work as planned and we got to do a team take down of mushrooms across the world.

If there's anything I'd wish, it's that we could ensure teammates are situated to send a good squad. If they've already engaged a Normal Magic, their contribution when invited to a second will likely be... Less than awesome.

I kept waiting for one to finish before joining the new invite and that worked okay. I just worried that I look disinterested when really I want to bring my harder hitting (best) team to the fray.

What's been your experience and what do you think?


When you finish a mushroom, the day ends, you send Pikmin off to collect something etc. and there is a fun animation or you need to tap that you had a 👎or 👍 day. But all you want to do is tell it to start planting. But by the time you get to, you're half way to where you're going. It's fun the first few times but a skip or don't show these in the options would be nice.

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