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Welcome to /c/houseplants @!

In between life, we garden.


We're a warm and informative space for plant enthusiasts to connect, learn, and flourish together. Dive into discussions on care, propagation, and styling, while embracing eco-friendly practices. Join us in nurturing growth and finding serenity through the extraordinary world of houseplants.

Need an ID on your green friends? Check out: [email protected]

Get involved in Citizen Science: Add your photo here to help build a database of plants across the entire planet. This database is used by non-profits, academia, and the sciences to promote biodiversity, learning and rewilding.


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  2. Keep it rooted (on topic).
  3. No spam.





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founded 1 year ago

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Hi all,

I realize I haven't sorted this community yet, but I am cutting back my Monsteras this weekend and have a bunch of nodes (some with leaves) to give away. Happy to trade or send out to those who are just starting (with some goodies) for shipping and handling.


Will sort out the bells and whistles on there the next few days, but try to format posts similarly. :)


A young community dedicated to balcony gardening.

Show off that vertical veggie garden 35 stories high. Or that bucket of potatoes you’re proud of. Perhaps some fall mums that have been catching your eye through the sliding door into your living room. Any and all balcony gardens are welcome! Come and show your’s off because we love to see it. :)

We also welcome ideas, tips, and items which have helped you in your balcony gardening journey. No balcony? Feel free to join in with your container garden with limited space too!


I am slowly building out the sidebar as a resource. Please pass along your knowledge. FOSS tools are best!


Rescued some half dead roses from a sale rack last year and they've exploded with a little tlc. 🥰


We are having a pumpking growing competition at work and I live in an apartment, so I'm working with what I have 😆

The plant already produced many male flowers. From what I have read, the male flowers usually come out 10 - 14 days before the female flowers. They open up for a single day and then they close and fall off.

I found out that tey are edible, so I stuffed a few of them with some left overs as a culinary experiment.

And the first female flower has arrived!


Featuring my cat 😺

More blooms:


Picture of a Sarracenia with many mouths, one of them being extremely long. There's also a banana for scale

Air Plants? (self.houseplants)
submitted 3 weeks ago by polarpear11 to c/[email protected]

I just received what I thought was going to be a tiny cute air plant for this tiny cute container I bought. What I received instead is this massive, glorious, curly plant that is 1.5 feet tall. While I'm trying to figure out what to do with it, I've researched and vowed to take care of this super cool air plant that is already growing purple blooms. I'm wondering if there's a specific air plant community or like, something adjacent to that? I'd really rather not get back on reddit to learn about air plants and connect with other air plant people. What are some cool communities I might be missing out on?



Let me know if you guys Want to see more I have tons of pics and eventually I plan to make a time lapse gif of the whole journey


more snails

they are kinda cute. i hope they eat more of the grass and less of the flower 😆


I am having a heck of a time trying to research why she is the way she is and what to do about it. She’s definitely alive. I harvested a lot of little baby seedlings in her roots (which are growing beautifully btw). I’d love if someone can help me understand why she is the way she is and what I can do to promote stem and leaf growth.

SourSop Seeds (
submitted 1 month ago by thesocavault to c/[email protected]

Has anyone had any success in growing a SourSop plant outside of the tropics? I'm In the NE United States and I'm going to try.


Post pics if you got em! I think mine is my dioscorea elephantipes (at least right now, it changes often). Grown from a seed, she'll be a year old in July :)


Leaf/tube/mouth of a Sarracenia illuminated from behind by a light, that shows two huge flies trapped inside

Edit: Her name is Scylla!


Don't know if there's any Canadians on Lemmy that have ordered from Crystal Star Nursery but this is my third order and I'm so excited!


Bonus daytime photo

Mutant violet? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by KillerTofu to c/[email protected]

I was given a small pot with a single sad leaf to try and rescue. I was told it was an African violet. It was repotted and I gave it some fertilizer and it started producing this giant leggy looking leaves. Is this normal? A mutant? It doesn’t look like any violet I’ve seen.


Edit: thank you for all the feedback! It does indeed look like a cyclamen. I have moved it closer to the window, hopefully it will fill in nicely.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I gave away my only big plant, an 8-foot-tall bird of paradise. The rest needed repotting anyway, so I took them all out of their pots and buried the roots in a roughly 50/50 mixture of moist potting soil and perlite in a plastic crate.

I had a Philodendron micans on a tall moss pole. I took it off the moss pole, wrapped the roots in a damp paper towel, stuffed that portion into a Ziploc bag, and stuffed the whole thing into a clear plastic bag, loosely sealed.

I did the same thing to a Madagascar jasmine plant that had been vining around a bamboo arch.

Finally, I placed some smaller plants in a smaller plastic container with moist perlite.

Sadly, I had to give all my pots away. There just wasn't enough room or time to carefully pack everything. We were already a half day late getting underway with our road trip.

I'm thankful they seem to have all survived.


Not an ad or anything but I got it from if you're curious. Super cool product, I've been waiting for a company to successfully bring a bioluminescent plant to the market for a decade and it finally happened!

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