High Strangeness

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Exploring oddities, UFOs, the paranormal, fringe science, cryptids, and anomalies in consciousness, existence, and personal experience.

Both skeptics and believers are welcome for honest conversation about all that is strange. Belligerent fighting, racism, name calling, marginalization, trolling, political derision, and mean-spirited interactions are not. This community is a safe, open space for sharing and appreciating all that is strange and inexplicable.

Mothman is our mascot. J. Allen Hynek is our president. Indrid Cold is watching.

founded 1 year ago

Secret documents suggest a suspicious cover-up.


The CIA conducted psychic research in the 70's and 80's. The experiments were successful enough that the Army put together a group of remote viewers, one of them was named Joe McMoneagle and nicknamed RV1 for his unusually good skill. He worked with the CIA, FBI, DIA, DEA, and was eventually awarded the Legion of Merit for his RV work.

In 1984, RV1 was tasked with remote viewing GPS locations on Mars at various times. He described seeing pyramids and giant humanoid aliens waiting for an impending apocalypse. It's a pretty eerie document that's still hosted on the CIA site.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by _stranger to c/[email protected]

Hi all, if you haven't been following the Nazca mummies that have been presented at two hearings in Mexico, there's been a lot of fascinating information coming out from doctors and scientists at San Luis Gonzaga University in Peru. The second hearing was last week, it was broadcast in Spanish and the translators had a tough time with all the technical jargon, so I produced an English transcript and wrote up a summary of the key facts presented. Here are a few of them from my post, but tl;dr they're saying the bodies are authentic biological specimens and not hoaxes:

Dr. David Willy Ruiz Vela - Plastic Surgeon

The neck is mobile but only in one axis, meaning they can only have movement from side to side, but not from up to down. I am referring to the articulation between the first vertebra and the skull. The neck is also retractable, as is the entire spine, and what we call the abdomen.

These beings were always bipedal, meaning evolutionarily they have not had a stage of using their front limbs for mobility, as we did in our evolution.

Dr. Mesa

…the level of purity of the silver is 95%, which is practically unknown in nature, and therefore it had to have been made or manufactured by intelligent beings.

Dr. Edgar Martin Hernandez - Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist / Anatomist

We observe in this mandibular area the loss of three dental pieces, but the strange thing here is that the residual bone has a homogeneity and regularity that is compatible with surgical work, like the professional work that would have been done by a dentist. The question remains: Who did it, when did they do it, how did they do it, and with what instrument were these proceedings done?

Prof. Roger Zuniga Aviles - Anthropologist

Moreover, the artifact that these beings have in their chest does not have a set of internal filaments; they are two, two parallel plates, not more or less than a thickness of 3 mm, the interior is hollow and inside precisely there is a series of circuits that make us think that it was a very special artifact.

Ricardo Rangel Martinez - Biologist

Surprisingly, the new information corresponds to sequences identified in two species of apes, which are classified by genus and species: Pan troglodytes and Pan paniscus, i.e., chimpanzees and bonobos, respectively. I am asked to shorten my speech due to time constraints, but what I want to conclude essentially is that this organism contains sequences from two apes that come from Africa, which is very strange and a relatively similar proportion, approximately 15% of them. This speaks to us, basically, that it is indeed a hybrid, and there are comparisons in the following slides.

Dr. Daniel Mendoza Vizarreta - Radiologist

the last specimen mentioned by the doctor: an unknown specimen with a small head, a small cervical spine, and a pelvic cavity with strange objects, appendages on the dorsocervical area resembling fins, and undoubtedly, the long bones show a radiolucent image in the center corresponding to the bone marrow. As you know, bone marrow is the factory for the blood's formed elements, the producers of erythrocytes which will form red blood cells. Without a doubt, this specimen has been a biological being that has surely lived.

The Piasa Bird (www.roadsideamerica.com)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Fukushima UFO Photos, Big Muddy Monster, Pennsylvania Mothman, Another Vegas UFO and More by Paul Seaburn from Mysterious Universe.


“First, it was a huge cat. Then some people reported what looked like a dog in the back and a cat in front. Others saw it vice-versa. One man called to say he had seen a big animal in the pitch dark with eyes that glowed like embers.”


Magenta, Italy - UAP (www.archiviolastampa.it)
submitted 1 year ago by HM05_Me to c/[email protected]

I was curious if there was any documentation on the UAP in Magenta, Italy that David Grusch mentioned in his interview. Per Grusch, a craft was recovered in Magenta, Italy in 1933 held by Mussolini’s government in 1944-1945 and then obtained by the US after the Vatican notified them of it’s existence.

I came across an article from January 2, 1933 about a meteor seen over Turin, Italy heading northeast towards Magenta, Italy.

“At a certain point therefore, in the direction of the Valentino park and somewhat above the line that the Turin hills mark on the horizon, a large luminous point appeared in the sky, shining with a vivid and very white light. The bright celestial mass, following a trajectory similar to that of shooting stars, but very long and streaking the blue with an incandescent streak, moved very quickly from south to north-east, i.e. following a path inverse to that of the sun and of the moon.”

The meteor then exploded near Monte Rosa, which is just north of Magenta, Italy. “the meteor exploded, flaked, divided into two or three radiant tongues, and then went out.”

Obviously, not much else to go on and the details of the alleged incident are already vague. But, it seemed like a possible match to the event to me. Full translated text via Google Translate below. Thoughts? I’m currently looking for other articles on the event.

Translation: "Shining meteor in the sky of Turin The Interesting Celestial Phenomenon - People’s Comments and Inferences

An interesting celestial phenomenon that is all the more remarkable as it occurred during the day, occurred in the sky above our city.

It could have been 5.10 or 5.15 pm and the day was very clear, as the sun had just started to set after a wonderful New Year’s day. Many people were out on the streets at that hour, going out for a walk or heading home after enjoying the clear winter afternoon in the avenues and gardens.

So many have had the opportunity to observe what happened in the clear atmosphere at the aforementioned hour. We describe the commode phenomenon noticed from Piazza Castello. At a certain point therefore, in the direction of the Valentino park and somewhat above the line that the Turin hills mark on the horizon, a large luminous point appeared in the sky, shining with a vivid and very white light. The bright celestial mass, following a trajectory similar to that of shooting stars, but very long and streaking the blue with an incandescent streak, moved very quickly from south to north-east, i.e. following a path inverse to that of the sun and of the moon.

Having reached a point roughly corresponding to the area located between the Monterosa hamlet and the cemetery, the meteor exploded, flaked, divided into two or three radiant tongues, and then went out.

A cry of amazement was raised by those who were able to notice the marvelous phenomenon, which lasted no more than two or three seconds.

And since yesterday was New Year’s Eve, the extraordinary celestial event was immediately interpreted as an excellent omen, as an auspicious manifestation for the whole of 1933.

Within the public after the event gave rise to the most fantastic comments, all auspicious, however, all marked by the most smiling optimism.

It has been said; this is the sign that a new era is beginning. The meteor blossomed above the Valentino, on the famous park which is almost the symbol of the city, and, crossing the whole center of Turin, it disappeared near the cemetery. So happiness or prosperity for the living Turinese, peace for the dead who will no longer be crucified for the discomfort and annoyance of loved ones left in the world.

The globe of fire then traveled the sky in an unusual direction, from midday to the East, Chloe in the opposite direction to the movement of the stars of the planets.

Its meaning is therefore clear… It announces a reversal in the course of events, we will not go blue towards the crisis and bad times but we will go backwards, we will return to well-being and abundance; from the declining noon it will rise to the radiant morning, as the star proceeded from southwest to east. Finally, it is surprising that it appeared on the first day of 1933, declared by the Pope the Holy Year for the nineteenth secular anniversary of the passion of Jesus Christ.

These and other things were heard yesterday evening and this morning around the city. And since we have no reason to deny these happy popular omens, we too welcome them without reservations, that good wishes - human and supernatural - are never too much for anyone."


I think the Grafton Monster is a hoax. Now, not that I believe any cryptids actually exist, but I mean a hoax in terms of culture and folklore.

In recent years the subject of cryptids from West Virginia has grown in pop culture, but there's one that stands out to me - The Grafton Monster

Originally sighted in 1964 near the Tygart River in Grafton West Virginia, it's described as a lumbering hulk with no head and white seal-like skin. There are buzzing and humming sounds associated with it, but it doesn't really do anything bad.


Except - I live in West Virginia, I have family in Grafton going back to my great-grandparents. I grew up and still live about 30 minutes from Grafton. Nobody I know has ever heard of this thing. Not as a folk tale, not as a hoax, not at all. Seems to me the whole story was dreamt up in recent years.

In 2014 there was a TV show called Mountain Monsters that did an episode on the Grafton Monster. They interviewed local people, actually did film in Grafton, it was rather a subject of local news that there was a TV crew in town.

Except the people they interviewed definitely weren't from Grafton. It's a small enough town that you kind of know everybody, and those folks definitely weren't locals. My uncle owns a business in Grafton and he knows frickin everybody, he could recognize whose farm they were on but that was not the guy who owns that farm.

Nobody, I mean nobody from Grafton knew they ever had a monster until a TV crew came into town and told us we did.


So I think it's bullshit.

Everybody knows the Mothman. I didn't think stories about The Flatwoods Monster made it outside of WV and apparently that's popular now too, but I've heard of that since I was a kid. These are established folklore, tall tales passed down the generations, and culturally relevant.

The Grafton Monster though, no, at least don't think so. Almost everything I try to read about the tale circles back to that TV show. There's a book that was published in 2019, numerous cryptid hunters have done stories on the subject in recent years. But I can't find anything on the subject prior to 2014.

Now, part of the story goes that the first sighting was made by a guy who worked for the local newspaper The Grafton Daily Sentinel, and he published a story on June 18th, 1964. That was a real paper (now defunct) but there's no online resource for back issues of it, maybe it could be found in physical copies somewhere. If I were to see that, then I would believe this was actual WV folklore and not some script from a reality TV show writer.

In the absence of evidence dating before the 2014 TV show, I have to presume The Grafton Monster was made up for that show and is now counted among WV's well known cryptids.

Like I said at first not saying I think any of these exist, but I strongly believe that folk tales of this kind have great cultural value. They're all "made up" but the others have history, Grafton Monster does not.


The Why Files never disappoints...

In December 1990, in a remote village above the Arctic Circle, two Russian scientists embarked on a daring experiment. Their goal was to enhance human “super-perception” or ESP.

They built a device that could shield subjects from electromagnetic interference and amplify their biological energy. The device was a large tube of rolled aluminum with a chair inside.

As soon as the device was built, strange phenomena occurred around the village. Disc-shaped lights hovered around the lab. Balls of energy appeared and disappeared. The Northern Lights became so bright and vivid that they seemed to take physical shape.

Inside the lab, anyone who approached the device felt an unexplainable sense of dread. It took a while to persuade anyone to try it.

When the first subject finally sat in the chair, a flash of energy erupted that stunned everyone in the lab.

The device worked.

But it maybe worked a little too well.

Not only did it boost people’s psychic abilities, it also enabled them to view any place in the world. And soon, they could view any place in time.

In fact, these experiments confirmed a theory first proposed in the 1950s. That time, as we know it, doesn’t exist.


Does anyone have any recommendations for material discussing Atlantis, or similar "lost" civilizations?

I know of Atlantis by Donnely. And, The Story of Atlantis by W. Scott Elliot though I haven't personally read this one.

In the same vein, do you have any favorite video channels that discuss these topics? I know of MrMythos on YT and his series discussing Atlantis as well as Inner Earth.


Thank you for setting it up. I hope refugees find it and start rebuilding.