Earthling Liberation notes

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We live in ~~a society~~ an ecosphere.

No system but the ecosystem

What does that even mean?

Here's an aspect:

founded 2 years ago

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The production of meat and other animal-sourced foods, especially in their industrialized form, entails significant exploitation of animals, labor, and the natural environment. However, concern with animals is often sidelined in left and progressive politics, and veganism is often derided by leftists as a liberal project. Many contend that veganism is fixated on consumerism, asceticism, identity, and deontological ethics, and is insensitive to the oppressions perpetrated by Western, capitalist epistemologies and economic structures. Responding to these charges, this article argues that veganism conceived as a boycott aligns with existing Left commitments to social and environmental justice, and also those concomitant with a trans-species anti-exploitation ethic. The authors elaborate a specific definition of veganism as a boycott, situate it as a tactic within the broader political horizon of total liberation – schematized as a three-tier model for political action – and explain why it offers an effective form of eroding capitalism and other systems of domination. The authors conclude that refusing to consume animal products has tangible economic and social impacts, increases solidarity between human and nonhuman populations, and sensitizes individuals and communities to the socio-political effects of their consumer behavior.

Jonathan Dickstein, Jan Dutkiewicz, Jishnu Guha-Majumdar & Drew Robert Winter (2022) Veganism as Left Praxis, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 33:3, 56-75, DOI: 10.1080/10455752.2020.1837895


cross-posted from: Abstract: SETI is not a usual point of departure for environmental humanities. However, this paper argues that theories originating in this field have direct implications for how we think about viable inhabitation of the Earth. To demonstrate SETI's impact on environmental humanities, this paper introduces Fermi paradox as a speculative tool to probe possible trajectories of planetary history, and especially the "Sustainability Solution" proposed by Jacob Haqq-Misra and Seth Baum. This solution suggests that sustainable coupling between extraterrestrial intelligences and their planetary environments is the major factor in the possibility of their successful detection by remote observation. By positing that exponential growth is not a sustainable development pattern, this solution rules out space-faring civilizations colonizing solar systems or galaxies. This paper elaborates on Haqq-Misra's and Baum's arguments, and discusses speculative implications of the Sustainability Solution, thus rethinking three concepts in environmental humanities: technosphere, planetary history, and sustainability. The paper advocates that (1) technosphere is a transitory layer that shall fold back into biosphere; (2) planetary history must be understood in a generic perspective that abstracts from terrestrial particularities; and (3) sustainability is not sufficient vector of viable human inhabitation of the Earth, suggesting instead habitability and genesity as better candidates.

  • Brazilian Amazon states are leading an offensive against environmental regulations in the Amazon and beyond. 
  • The movement gained momentum in October when Brazil’s granary, Mato Grosso state, approved a bill undermining a voluntary agreement to protect the Amazon from soy expansion. 
  • Before Mato Grosso, other Amazon states like Acre and Rondônia had already approved bills reducing protected areas and weakening the fight against illegal mining. 
  • With its economy highly reliant on agribusiness, Mato Grosso is considered a successful model for other parts of the Amazon.


0:01 Introduction

2:12 Why did Stirner Critique the Left?

5:14 Leftism

7:48 Leftist Anarchism

10:32 Post-Left Anarchism

16:18 Stirner Through Lacan


The study sheds light on the links between modern social conditions and religiosity. However, it should be noted that the results are based on self-reports, which may have been influenced by reporting bias.


The results at the individual level revealed weak associations between modern social conditions and religiosity. However, the direction of these associations varied between world regions, suggesting that these conditions alone are unlikely to affect religiosity. Instead, other factors may influence both religiosity and these conditions.


Do the Three Modern Social Conditions—High Existential Security, Education, and Urbanicity—Really Make People Less Religious? A Worldwide Analysis, 1989–2020 - Roberts - 2024 - Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion

Some versions of secularization theory propose that existential security, education, and urbanicity exert directly measurable negative effects on religiosity cross-culturally. However, few studies have tested this using longitudinal data. Nor have researchers adequately examined how much the relationship between these modern social conditions (MSCs) and religiosity varies society-to-society. This study addresses these limitations in a series of new analyses, using 1989–2020 World/European Values Survey data from approximately 100 countries. Results suggest that the three MSCs do not exert independent, negative effects on religiosity in general, at least not in the short or medium term. Indeed, national-average increases in these MSCs were not found to predict decreased religiosity. And, interestingly and unexpectedly, the direction of individual-level relationships between each MSC and religiosity varied greatly between countries and world regions. These findings suggest scholars should probably look elsewhere to explain why average religiosity has decreased in some world locations over recent decades.

Culture war (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/earthlingliberationnotes

Source: "Philosophy in 5000 B.C."


A multi-panel comic strip with a bunch of men in robes standing outside in a grassland. Two of them are famous philosophers.


Have you ever, in a moment of solitude, gazed into the stars and wondered why we exist?

We are given no guidance, no plan, no structure, we merely find ourselves existing.

We find ourselves born into a society, and take the world presented to us as a given. Is Humanity great enough to overcome this?

Do we have it within ourselves to create our own truth, or are we forever chained to the ideals of the society we find ourselves in?

Unidentifiable man:

Fred, god damnit not again! You let the deer run right past you. You find yourself in a hunter gatherer society, so hunt!


I was doing something more important.

Unidentifiable man:

What could be more important than survival?


Doing a transvaluation of all values, obviously!


Besides, that might have not been a real deer. It was probably an illusion created by an evil demon.

Unidentifiable man:

Guys! You guys! Can you just do some hunting? Or at least some gathering? Please. God damnit, why did I get born into the one hunter gatherer group filled with philosophers.


Pastoralism is incompatible with a warming and changing climate. More evidence.


[...] This is why, to return to Esposito, Nazi bio-thanatopolitics and the personalist biopolitics of liberal individualism are the mere reversal of one another; both remain bound to the same imperative: “to manage life productively: in the first case, to benefit the racial body of the chosen people; and in the second, to benefit the body of the individual subject who becomes its master.” (E3 91) If the metaphysics and biologization of life, personalism and Nazism, sovereignty and biopower all come down to the same logic, how is anything like an affirmative biopolitics possible or desirable?

PDF of a thesis:


Too many media outlets rush to condemn those campaigning against fossil fuel chaos as “middle class”. Bizarrely, they do not say the same of millionaire land-owners.


The Taste of War is the first book to tell the intertwined stories of some 20 nations battling for food. This is a story of individual governments struggling to feed civilians and troops with limited resources. Britain and Germany introduced rationing. Japan allowed civilians and soldiers to starve, on the grounds that lives were expendable and the fighting spirit should be sustaining enough. Meanwhile America began to cultivate its image as a land of plenty by giving each soldier a staggering 4,757 calories a day in rations.


One fascinating chapter reveals Hitler's entire battle for supremacy to be a quest for food. In 1942 he described the war itself as "a battle for food, a battle for the basis of life, for the raw materials the earth offers". He invaded Russia with the intention of creating a "European California" as abundant as the American west.

According to the euphemistically named "Hunger Plan", developed by German minister Herbert Backe, the conquest of Russia would render Germany self-sufficient. The Germans would starve millions of Russians to death and turn large parts of the country into a giant farm. Backe's plan was partly successful, in that millions of Russians starved. However, as the battle dragged on, the German soldiers could barely feed themselves, let alone send enough home to feed Germany. Hitler was faced with a food crisis, and it was partly as a solution to this strategic problem that he decided to exterminate the Jews. "The Holocaust," Collingham writes, "was not just the product of an irrational ideology but the conclusion of a series of crises in the German conduct of the war."


Just imagine "carnism" instead of "capitalism". The fantasy of the "master of nature, the beasts' lord".


CW: images from fur farms

Put simply, if SARS-CoV-2 came about by frequent recombination through contact with common virus-carrying animals in the wild, we would expect it to display a mix of genome segments shared between it and several of their close cousins. However, if SARS-CoV-2 came about through manipulation in a lab, such as through gain-of-function research, we would expect a close match to one and only one “initial” strain, with the remainder of the genome failing to match any other wild strains. The discovery that SARS-CoV-2 does indeed have what biologists call a mosaic genome makes it abundantly clear that it could not have arisen through laboratory manipulation of an initial, single strain, through gain-of-function research or otherwise.


(video from 2018)

There are references in the video description.


The most evil character in the Abrahamic holy books is...

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