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I’m surprised how good this looks. It appears to be combining the BtAS aesthetic with some modern darkness. I’m cautiously optimistic. How about others?




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Batman: The Last Halloween To Conclude the Long Halloween Trilogy - IGN


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If The Dark Knight felt like a relentless crime thriller inspired by the cinema of Michael Mann, The Dark Knight Rises explored the spiritual and emotional journey of Christian Bale’s version of Bruce Wayne. By connecting to the storyline involving the League of Shadows first introduced in Batman Begins, Nolan and his brother Jonathan Nolan were able to bring their interpretation of the caped crusader to a satisfying conclusion. Although the film satisfied story beats that they had established at the beginning of the trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises drew inspiration from Charles Dickens’ classic novel A Tale of Two Cities.


Dickens’ novel examined how it could be possible for one city to have two classes of citizens with completely different experiences. A Tale of Two Cities focuses on the experiences of both a wealthy family and an English barrister in the years leading up to the Reign of Terror, in which revolutionaries stormed Paris and executed members of the upper class. Jonathan Nolan cited the sociopolitical themes of A Tale of Two Cities as a primary influence on The Dark Knight Rises. He stated that when looking for “good literature for inspiration,” he found that A Tale of Two Cities was a "harrowing portrait of a relatable, recognizable civilization that completely folded to pieces with the terrors." Similar to the French revolutionaries who were infuriated by the wealth gap, the prisoners Bane frees in The Dark Knight Rises have a justified reason for their anger; it is revealed to them that Dent’s crimes were covered up, and that his entire legacy is itself a lie.


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"Batman: Caped Crusader" Premieres Aug. 1, 2024 On Prime Video, First Images Revealed


Sequel is a novel.


So I've been playing through all the Arkham games lately, and I had an interesting thought about the whole Arkhamverse as a storyline.

I think the entire game series is based (loosely) on The Killing Joke story, with other major events, references, and storylines lifted from other Batman comics. I just think TKJ was used as a basis for the games' world.

We see Joker's beginning with his flashback at the end of Arkham Origins, which is almost identical to his TKJ origin, as well as him crippling Barbara in that flashback during Arkham Knight (right down to the clothes he's wearing). The overall dark tone of the games lend to this theory, as well as Joker being shown just how sadistic he can be.

What do you think?


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What are your favorite Batman moments?


For those of you who don't know, Bane's story has two endings in the Arkham series. One is considered canon, while the other is not.

In the Arkham Knight prequel comic, Bane is killed by the Arkham Knight as proof to the other rogues that he has what it takes to kill Batman. This is considered non-canon.

In the actual Arkham Knight game, a Riddle reveals that Bane kicked his Venom addiction, returned to Santa Prisca, and liberated it from the drug lords that controlled it. This is considered canon.

Regardless of canonicity, which do you feel was the better ending for Bane's character? I personally prefer the canon version. It just feels like a more satisfying conclusion for his character arc. What are your thoughts?


It adds the pre alpha Arkham Asylum suit for anyone wondering

submitted 6 months ago by MamboGator to c/batman

The first two issues of the new DC Comics series Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong have been filled with great art, characterization, action and splash pages. The series is shaking up to be like a well-done summer blockbuster flick but for comics…and in winter. Kudos to the creators behind the effort so far. Very well executed! Some great Batman moments too.

Batman Off-World (
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/batman

A Batman science fiction comic? I’m intrigued! Anyone else pick this up?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by ahimsabjorn to c/batman

Anyone else have this on their radar?

By Rafael Grampa

submitted 9 months ago by ahimsabjorn to c/batman

Anyone else picking this up next week?


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Calling all superhero fans and Batman stans: an extraordinary experience is winging its way to the city to celebrate Batman Day (September 16) in London. ‘Batman Unmasked’ will take guests on a journey through the franchise’s cinematic history in a don’t-miss immersive experience.

‘Batman Unmasked’ goes back in time to celebrate all iterations of the iconic franchise on the big screen. Guests will get to ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ at a mind-boggling selection of memorabilia that ranges from Michael Keaton’s Batman (1989) all the way through to Robert Pattinson’s spin on the character in The Batman (2022). These include costumes, props, and vehicles from the movies, all presented in a special Batcave setting.

But that’s not all. Fans will also get to pore over more than 100 comics, and brand-new Batman Day special edition comics, in a special comic book area.

If you’ve always been one to root for the villain, however, you’ll want to check out the ‘Joker Zone’. There, the spotlight is turned on the infamous criminal. Sights include costumes worn by Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix in The Dark Knight (2008) and The Joker (2019).

More than just the first Batman exhibition of its size in the UK, ‘Batman Unmasked’ also marks the first time some of the pieces will have ever been displayed in the UK.

Dynamic Mafex Duo (
submitted 10 months ago by ahimsabjorn to c/batman

Mafex Hush Nightwing and Batman (black)

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