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The desk of the writer Dr Samuel Johnson is to be returned to his former London home for the first time in more than 260 years.

Except, in a strange twist, its owner is now uncertain whether it really is the desk of the famous 18th Century dictionary author.

It's been suggested that despite many years of being treated as a literary relic, it could have been part of a Victorian hustle to make money.


What's now in dispute is the fate of the desk on which he wrote the dictionary when he was living in Gough Square, in a house which is now a museum to his memory.

Since the 19th Century the wooden desk has been in Pembroke College Oxford - and the college is lending this prized possession to the Dr Johnson House museum.

But when Lynda Mugglestone, professor of the history of English at the college, began to check out the provenance of the desk, there were some unexpected questions.

"The real story is that we don't quite know if it's the real desk," she says.

It had come to the college through a clergyman who had been close to Dr Johnson's god daughter, Elizabeth Ann Lowe, and her sister. A plaque was attached to signify its historic importance.

But the puzzle is whether those sisters ever really had the desk or whether they used their literary connection as a way of guilt-tripping some famous writers of their era for money.

Prof Mugglestone says that as the centenary of Johnson's dictionary was being marked in 1855, the Lowe sisters began writing asking for cash, describing themselves as in penury and with nothing left but a desk which they said had been left to them by the great writer.

They were "living in poverty" in Deptford in south London, says Prof Mugglestone, and they made clear that "donations were welcome".

Writers such as Thomas Carlyle and Charles Dickens, who had just written Hard Times, began to fund raise for the sisters.

Literary London was mobilised to help the sisters who were the surviving connections to Dr Johnson. The desk became part of that story.

Dickens wrote of the sisters being in "great poverty, but undemonstrative and uncomplaining, though very old - with nothing to speak of in the wide world, but the plain fir desk on which Johnson wrote his English Dictionary".

Such pleas from Dickens helped to raise large donations for the sisters, with the desk being saved as a "proud possession to the English nation".

But Celine Luppo McDaid, director of the Dr Johnson House, says it is now seems unclear whether this desk was actually Johnson's.

The case for it being authentic, she says, is that the sisters could have been thinking: "We've sold everything else, but we still have this treasured desk, it's the last thing we have."

Or else it might have been a chance to turn a bit of spare furniture into a financial lifeline.

"They might have seen an opportunity and decided that the knackered old desk in the corner was 'Johnson's desk'," says the museum director Ms McDaid.


A saltwater crocodile terrorized a remote Australian community by snapping up dogs and lunging at kids -- only to meet its end in a feast cooked up by locals. The 12-foot reptile "had been stalking and lunging out of the water at children and adults," Northern Territory police said in a statement.

"The crocodile had also reportedly taken multiple community dogs."

After talking to elders and traditional landowners in the Bulla community, police shot and killed the scaly predator on Tuesday, police said.


"I believe he was cooked up into crocodile tail soup, it was on the barbecue, a few pieces were wrapped up in banana leaves and cooked underground," McBride said.

"There was a rather large traditional feast."

Commander Kylie Anderson said "crocodiles can pose a significant risk to community safety" and praised officers and residents for working closely together to resolve the issue.

"There's never a dull moment in remote policing," Anderson said.


LBC's Tom Swarbrick asked Mr Polanski about the practice after an article by The Sun from 2013 resurfaced about him performing the practice at a hypnotherapy clinic on Harley Street.

In the 90-minute sessions allegedly costing £222, women were told to visualise themselves with bigger breasts.

On Wednesday, Mr Polanski apologised for his past actions and said he never believed them.

"It does not represent my work, it does not represent me."

Mr Polanski added he never charged for the service.


Joey "Jaws" Chestnut, 40, is the reigning champion of the Nathan's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest, having won all but one of the competitions every year since 2007.

In the 2021 contest, he ate 76 hot dogs and buns in just 10 minutes, one of 55 competitive eating world records he holds.

Last year, he fell short of his own record but still put away an impressive 63 sausages. He blamed his performance on stormy weather.

But after signing an endorsement deal with Impossible Foods - a plant-based meat company - Chestnut will miss out on the annual New York event.

It's because Nathan's Famous prohibits eaters from endorsing competitor hot dog brands, the contest's governing body Major League Eating (MLE) said.


A book about book bans has been banned in a Florida school district.

Ban This Book, a children’s book written by Alan Gratz, will no longer be available in the Indian River county school district since the school board voted to remove the book last month.

Gratz’s book, which came out in 2017, follows fourth-grader Amy Anne Ollinger as she tries to check out her favorite book. Ollinger is told by the librarian she cannot, because it was banned after a classmate’s parent thought it was inappropriate. She then creates a secret banned-books library, entering into “an unexpected battle over book banning, censorship, and who has the right to decide what she and her fellow students can read”, according to the book’s description on Gratz’s website.

In a peculiar case of life imitating art, Jennifer Pippin, a parent in the coastal community, challenged the book.

Pippin’s opposition is what prompted the school board to vote 3-2 in favor of removing it from shelves. The vote happened despite the district’s book-review committee vetting the work and deciding to keep it in schools.

Indian River county school board members disagreed with how Gratz’s book referred to other works that had been taken out of school, and accused it of “teaching rebellion of school-board authority”, according to the Tallahassee Democrat.


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A man who became the shin-kicking world champion on his first try has successfully defended his title, having trained by hitting a hammer on his shins nearly every day for a year. The world champion set his sights on becoming the five-time champion of the bizarre 17th century English sport.

Mike Newby, 34, an account director who lives in Cheltenham with his girlfriend, Geo Legate, 27, competed in the Cotswold Olimpick Games – which celebrates English folk sports and games, such as tug of war, hammer throwing and the main event, shin kicking – on May 31, 2024.

The winner of the competition is crowned the world champion and has their name added to a trophy which is displayed in Chipping Campden, home of the Olimpicks, all year round.

Just a few weeks after winning the 2023 edition of the competition, Mike hit the gym, did cardio, struck his shins with a hammer, and practiced martial arts almost every day for a year. It paid off, he won all three of his rounds this year and came out unscathed, having broken two toes last time around.

During the competition he was up against “humongous” men, and relied on his signature move “the shin wheel” – which involved kicking his competitor in the shins and pulling them around so they tripped over his legs – to secure maximum points.


Mike told PA Real Life: “When I won, I really couldn’t believe it. There’s a person who dresses up as Robert Dover, the original founder of the games, in a royalist Civil War costume, and I grabbed their sword and just went up the castle holding the sword and cheering – I felt a bit like Maximus from Gladiator. The experience was just mythic, it was amazing.”


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Protesters have covered a portrait of the King with the face of the animated character Wallace from Wallace and Gromit.

Animal Rising shared a video of campaigners pasting Wallace’s head over Charles’s and adding a speech bubble on top of the red-hued painting by Jonathan Yeo.

The speech bubble read in capitals: “No cheese, Gromit. Look at all this cruelty on RSPCA farms!”


The demonstration was aimed at highlighting the group’s “damning investigation” into 45 RSPCA “assured” farms, the group said.

It added that the protest was a “comic redecoration” and said the posters were affixed using water sprayed on to the back, so they could be easily removed.

It is understood the painting is behind Perspex and so no damage has occurred.

The group said the “lighthearted action played on the King’s love of Wallace and Gromit”.

The Queen once revealed that inventor Wallace and his dog Gromit – the stop-motion animation stars of hit Aardman films including The Wrong Trousers and A Grand Day Out – were her husband’s “favourite people in the world”.


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Earlier this week, Austin police arrested a suspected car thief with a strange name.

According to court documents, 37-year-old Optimus Prime Blakely faces a charge of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

The affidavit says officers stopped Blakely on Tuesday after they say they caught him driving a stolen vehicle on Congress Avenue near Radam Lane in south Austin.


Fish in a former dock in Hull could die as a result of being fed chips and pasties by customers at a nearby shopping centre, experts have warned.

The koi carp were introduced to the basin in front of Princes Quay Shopping Centre when it opened in 1991.

Since then, their numbers have increased, with 1,200 fish added in 2010 alone, and over the years they have become an attraction for people using Monument Bridge, in front of the centre.

However, Iain Turner, from the Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM), has said feeding scraps of "non-natural" food to the fish "will shorten their lives".

Mr Turner, the IFM's development officer, said people should "enjoy the fish but resist the temptation to throw in food scraps".

He added: "Carp will eat, eat, eat. They will eat things like sausage rolls, pasties and chips.

"The fish may look healthy because they're so big, but if they're fed non-natural food like this their vital organs, especially their livers, will become encased in fat. It really isn't good for them."


Elephants call out to each other using individual names that they invent for their fellow pachyderms, according to a new study.

While dolphins and parrots have been observed addressing each other by mimicking the sound of others from their species, elephants are the first non-human animals known to use names that do not involve imitation, the researchers suggested.

For the new study published on Monday, a team of international researchers used an artificial intelligence algorithm to analyse the calls of two wild herds of African savanna elephants in Kenya.

The research “not only shows that elephants use specific vocalisations for each individual, but that they recognise and react to a call addressed to them while ignoring those addressed to others”, the lead study author, Michael Pardo, said.


The researchers called for more research into the evolutionary origin of this talent for name-calling, given that the ancestors of elephants diverged from primates and cetaceans about 90m years ago.

Despite our differences, humans and elephants share many similarities such as “extended family units with rich social lives, underpinned by highly developed brains”, the CEO of Save the Elephants, Frank Pope, said.

“That elephants use names for one another is likely only the start of the revelations to come.”


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Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians, so the saying goes.

This may be why a businessman in the south of England is proposing a novel solution: putting himself forward as a candidate in the UK general election as the first “AI MP”.

AI Steve is a nominee on the list of candidates for the 4 July general election in Brighton Pavilion, last held by the Green party’s Caroline Lucas, who is stepping down.

The man behind AI Steve is Steve Endacott, a self-described entrepreneur who lives in Rochdale, but “maintains a house in Brighton”.

Endacott, who is the chair of an artificial intelligence company called Neural Voice but “made his fortune” in the travel sector, claims he will attend parliament to vote on policies as guided by AI Steve’s feedback from his constituents.

He claims the AI representative would answer constituents’ concerns and questions using a rendition of Endacott’s voice and an avatar.

“AI Steve was created to ensure that the people of Brighton and Hove had 24/7 access to leave opinions and create policies,” he wrote on his website.

Endacott, 59, describes himself as a “capitalist with a socialist conscience”.


An investigation has been launched after ram-raiders stole a Slush Puppie machine.

The raid happened at about 01:40 BST on Saturday at Moores Fish & Chip Shop in Newton Leys, Milton Keynes.

Thames Valley Police said significant damage was caused to the shop after a vehicle, believed to be a dark Vauxhall Astra, repeatedly drove into it.

A number of men entered the shop and stole the cold drinks machine.


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A multimillion-pound luxury penthouse flat named after the revolutionary socialist thinker Friedrich Engels is the latest example of Manchester repurposing its radical history for profit, local people have said.

The apartment is in the east tower in Deansgate Square, where the developer Renaker says its vision for the “New Jackson” skyscraper district “is to create a sustainable and attractive neighbourhood where people feel proud to call home”.

The tower stands just off Deansgate, in what was once a slum area of Manchester, where families lived in squalid and cramped homes, and grinding poverty. It is also just a few hundred metres from a statue of Engels, which stands outside the Home arts centre.

The German philosopher spent more than two decades in Manchester in the mid-19th century, from where he researched his seminal work The Condition of the Working Class in England.

The book is a study on the Victorian industrial working class, which highlighted the issue of overcrowded housing, as well as high mortality rates and poor working conditions.

Today, there is incredibly high demand for affordable housing in Manchester, with more than 15,000 applications on the waiting list for social housing.

According to the property website Rightmove, the average price for a property in Manchester is £300,521, with the average selling price for flats at £200,652.


The 290 sq metre (3,126 sq ft) flat is listed on the developer’s website as a showhome, but in promotional material it was advertised with a price tag of £2.5m.

A second penthouse apartment, “The Turing” – presumably named after the University of Manchester computer scientist Alan Turing – is also on the market for £2.5m.


“It’s just another iteration of that thing that Manchester’s been very good at doing, which is reabsorbing radical elements of its history into a brand,” said Isaac Rose, from Greater Manchester Tenants Union.

“[Engels] deliberately fled the life of the bourgeoisie to live and be among the working class, but maybe he’d have found it ultimately amusing that things have got this mad that they were naming penthouses after him.”


With prostitution legalised in Germany, the sector continues evolving; this June, people will be able to book an hour with an AI sex doll in a one-of-a-kind brothel in Berlin. Customers will have both verbal and physical access to the AI dolls.

The founder of Cybrothel, Philipp Fussengger, shared some of the causes for this development; “Many people feel more comfortable sharing private matters with a machine because it doesn´t judge.” Although the AI dolls are simply not capable of judging, some of the public is concerned about data protection and ethics.


According to her social media, Ms Morey was the loving owner of what appears to be an XL bully.

In one video on TikTok, she is seen dancing with a dog in a kitchen.

The video is covered by a male voice saying: "This is my son and I don't give a f*** if you think he looks aggressive and I don't give a f*** if you don't like the look of him and I surely don't give a f*** whether you think the breed should be banned."


Another chilling video appearing to show her as the owner of several dogs is captioned: "But if one of us dies - I hope I die first." The video ends with a caption reading: "Love my family."






According to a probable cause affidavit, deputies with the Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office on Oct. 6, 2023, responded to a call about a deceased adult male at an apartment complex located in the 14000 block of Giles Road in Omaha, Nebraska. A detective on the scene called a local funeral home which normally transports dead bodies to the morgue for autopsy. The funeral home sent two employees, one of whom was Smith, the document states.

Investigators took photographs of the body and the room in which he was found dead before Smith and the other employee took the body away.

“Near the body on the bed was a very real life-size version of an adult female,” the detective wrote in the affidavit. “Both of the males that came to collect the body made comments about the sex doll found on location.”

Police then secured the dead man’s apartment and left the scene.


Someone on the managerial staff let Smith — who had brought a body bag with him — back into the apartment to collect the “sex doll” for “evidentiary purposes.”

A short while later, a different apartment manager found that the deceased man’s apartment was deadbolted and latched with a chain across the door. The manager opened the door and said she found Smith inside and that his “shirt was untucked and his pants were in disarray,” per the affidavit.


Investigators returned to the scene and said several things in the dead man’s apartment had been moved around since they had left, specifically noting that “the bed had been rearranged” and a black survival case was on the bed.

The sex doll also appeared to have been “altered,” police said.

“The sex doll appeared to have been altered near her thigh area as she has dust on her and bedding,” the affidavit states. “It appears that something had rubbed her inner thighs. She was also sticky to the touch with gloves on.”

Authorities then really did take the sex doll into evidence so it could be processed for DNA.


A scientist who witnessed a tiger shark vomiting up an echidna during the course of a three-year project off the Queensland coast says it was a "one in a million" sight.

James Cook University marine biologist Nicolas Lubitz shared the story ahead of the release of project data later this year.

He said tiger sharks were scavengers and had been known to eat seabirds, tyres, licence plates and even a small TV screen.

But Dr Lubitz said watching a shark throw up a dead echidna near Orpheus Island, east of Ingham in North Queensland, was something else.


Dr Lubitz said he had helped tag about 200 tiger sharks, but this was the first and only time he had seen a shark vomit an echidna.

"This one just threw up an echidna, which was quite a surprise to us," he said of the May 2022 incident.


"Sometime when you wrangle them they get a little bit stressed, and one of the stress responses is to throw up their food, especially if it's food that is not quite sitting right," he said.

"And I can imagine that an echidna wasn't quite sitting right."

Dr Lubitz said it was not uncommon to see echidnas swimming in the mangroves around Palm Island.

"They use their little nose as a snorkel — they're quite good swimmers, actually," he said.


Gender reveal celebrations are a way for expectant parents to announce whether their baby will be a boy or a girl and have grown in popularity over the last few years.

Kill me now.


Destiny Stephens-Coull, 21, was doing her final year of college and had just been offered a place at university for the following year.

Like a normal 18-year-old, she went out clubbing on the weekends, wore crop tops and drank booze with friends.

Destiny, from Laindon, worked part-time at Nando's while living with her mum, Diane Coull, 55, a nursery assistant.

But everything changed when she showed up for a shift on April 13, 2022, and felt cramps like her period starting - even though she wasn't due on for two more weeks.

She ended up bleeding heavily in the toilet for over an hour - before being rushed to Basildon Hospital, Essex.

To her bewilderment, Destiny was told she was six months pregnant - despite having periods and gaining no weight, and needed an emergency c-section under general anaesthetic.

She awoke to meet her unexpected son, Kingsley, now two - who then had to fight for his life after being born 10 weeks premature on April 13, weighing 3lbs 1oz.

But two years on, both Destiny and her little boy are doing well.



A reclusive tribe in the Amazon finally got hooked up to the internet, thanks to Elon Musk — only to be torn apart by social media and pornography addiction, elders complain.

Brazil’s 2,000-member Marubo tribe has been left bitterly divided by the arrival of the Tesla founder’s Starlink service nine months ago, which connected the remote rainforest community along the Ituí River to the web for the first time.

“When it arrived, everyone was happy,” Tsainama Marubo, 73, told The New York Times.

“But now, things have gotten worse. Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet, they’re learning the ways of the white people.”

The Marubo are a chaste tribe, who even frown upon kissing in public — but Alfredo Marubo (all Marubo use the same last name) said he is anxious that the arrival of the service, which delivers super-fast internet to far-flung corners of the planet and has been billed as a game-changer by Musk, could upend standards of decorum.

Alfredo said many young Marubo men have been sharing porn videos in group chats and he has already observed more “aggressive sexual behavior” in some of them.

“We’re worried young people are going to want to try it,” he said of the kinky sex acts they’ve suddenly been exposed to on screen.


Every day, Michael Frith takes his 2-year-old black Lab Tator to Dalbey Memorial Park and walks around the lake for a mile, Michael’s wife Dolores told Cowboy State Daily on Monday.

Michael likes to throw a tennis ball for the dog during their walk.

“So I guess when (Tator) was returning the tennis ball he somehow ingested methamphetamine,” said Dolores, adding that no one is sure whether the dog ate or snorted the meth, or how much he consumed.

About 40 minutes later, man and dog arrived back home — but the dog was not right.

“His tail was wagging a thousand miles an hour, thumping on the hardwood floor,” said Dolores. Usually Tator crashes on the couch after a visit to the park, but she said this day “he couldn’t lie down; he was just excited. He was kind of staring off into space.”

He was agitated, restless, happy and bobbing his head back and forth, Dolores recalled. And his symptoms kept getting worse.

The Red Hills Veterinary Hospital was able to see Tator that day. After an assessment, the vet called for a drug test, Dolores said.

The dog’s blood came back positive for meth.


On the way there, Michael called the Gillette Police Department to report the incident, but learned that Red Hills had already reported it and GPD personnel were combing the park with at least one drug detection dog, Dolores said.

“They found nothing,” she added, a fact which Gillette Police Department Lt. Brent Wasson confirmed to Cowboy State Daily Monday.

That was a bittersweet revelation. On the one hand, it meant Tator had consumed all the meth at the park. On the other hand, it meant Tator had kept any children from getting into the meth.


By Friday morning Tator was still lethargic from being sedated, but he’d had an IV flush and he’d had both food and drink. The hospital released him.

“He made it through,” said Dolores. “He’s back to being his normal, goofy self.”


“An all-male Monday sounds pretty gay to me.”

The above comment was one of many reacting to an announcement from the Old State Saloon in Boise, Idaho — a new tavern in the historic Eagle Drug Store building — which inaugurated June as “Heterosexual Awesomeness Month” and offered free beer for straight men every Monday until July.


As for his June promotion, did Fitzpatrick understand the homoerotic power of gathering so many confident men flaunting their sexuality in one place formerly called the Eagle?

“Come join us all month to celebrate heterosexuals,” the Christian family man proclaimed on social media, “for without them, none of us would be here! Each Monday will be Hetero Male Monday and any heterosexual male dressed like a heterosexual male will receive a free draft beer.”

One can almost picture central casting cowboys, sun-kissed farmers, gym bros high-fiving after the game — and owner Fitzpatrick dressed as a cop.

So many macho men in one place could lead to unintended consequences in Boise.

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