As much as I'd hate it (go bills) it would be interesting to see what Mac n cheese could do with a true number 1 receiver
12- 5
I'm thinking 4-2 in the division (losses to Dolphins/Jets)
1-2 for the toughest away games Chiefs/Bengals/Eagles
And probably a random loss (Washington or something)
Havent seen anything yet but per Matt Parrino the latest it will be reported on is 2:15
I hope since Josh is supportive it means it really isn't a big deal and will soon get resolved. Or at least I'm going to gaslight myself into believe that haha. And definitely agree Diggs had a right to be upset with Dorsey
Initial panic aside, Josh and Von being supportive of him doing this makes me feel a lot better.
I feel like the team is set. Hines has an offseason to fully get integrated and will hopefully see more touches. Damien Harris should help with short yard situations (please god I don't want Allen to be our short yard back) and the superior cook brother (definitely not homerism or tounge in cheek) James had 5.7 yards per carry last season
Also what kind of content does anyone want? Yes memes? No memes? Only news? Discussion posts? When it gets closer to the season there will be a lot more news that could get posted but right now it's kind of dry.
This is my favorite picture of Big Baller Beane