I use Wipr; have for years and have never had any notable issues.
What a shame.
They just start writing stories featuring reasonable politicians who aren’t taking insane positions.
I mean in a world where Mitt Romney seems like a reasonable guy, everything is satire.
I know you said in game preferably, but I do think it’s worth giving a shout out to Nobbel on YouTube; his lore videos are really engaging and thorough, and you can often find videos on specific topics (like the story of Sylvanas) where he compiles history from several sources into a video. It’s worth a look if you’re really interested in the lore, because for better or worse the game itself sometimes only touches on events that have more depth in other sources.
Disc Priest is a challenging healer, period. In harder content it’s going to take a lot of knowledge of both your toolkit and the fights. I have been leveling my first disc priest (I’ve maxed every other healer except MW) and it’s a very different kind of healing than what I’m used to as someone who normally mains an R Druid and H Priest.
If you’re clearing +17s you’re not bad.
The reality is that a LOT of reddit users are casuals who probably visit a couple of subs regularly using the official app or a web browser and are perfectly content with that. The issue, I think/hope, is that they aren’t the ones generating a lot of the content and discussion and they will lose interest in reddit when the big contributors have moved on.
I could be completely wrong and this may be a blip in the history of reddit, but I hope that it impacts them in a meaningful way. Reddit is 100% dependent on third parties generating content for them, so the leg they’re standing on is pretty fucking wobbly.
Apollo is a great app; I think people like it so much because Christian has always been so engaged with the user community and has (mostly) been responsive to people. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call it a work of art, and I don’t necessarily agree with all of the monetization limitations that were built in to it, but it is unquestionably one of the apps I’ve used the most over the years and it will be sorely missed.
This article is obviously being dramatic/hyperbolic; American military leaders are already well aware that in a serious military engagement with China where we go all-out (excluding nukes because that’s a whole different animal) we might lose. That’s why this is being war gamed: the US is working on restructuring the military from how we have been engaged in the Middle East to how we would engage in a serious conflict in the Pacific region.
These sessions play out a lot of different scenarios that lead to different outcomes; China doesn’t always win, but them “winning” in a protracted military conflict can have a lot of different meanings too. Remember that China has practically zero real-world military experience; it’s why they have been so interested in seeing how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine plays out. They’ve certainly learned a lot, but practical experience is important. There would also be devastating economic consequences for China if they got into a real conflict with a Western nation at this point; even if they pounded Taiwan and the US into short-term submission, they would not come out unscathed and then they would be facing a united Western world that would likely turn its back on them. Not as easy as sanctioning Russia has been, but I think one thing China has seen in Ukraine is that the West is more united and has more will than it might have seemed before the invasion.
Bottom line is that this shouldn’t freak anyone out: we are learning what our weaknesses are and how to fix them before we get into a real conflict with China, which may never happen. Be glad that the military is working on its strategic posture now! Honestly, what should be scaring younger Americans is how shitty our recruiting is right now…if a conflict did arise in the next few years, you can bet your ass that the draft would come back in a hurry.
Little things, but being able to share AirTags is immediately of interest to me.
Hello fellow reddit refugees. Very interested in learning Lemmy and figuring out how contribute to the community.
Discussions on varied topics and community insights on things are what I really love(d) about Reddit.