That's been around a long time too, I worked for an ISP in the 90s and would have customers using it. They charged way more than Nominet at the time as well.
Didn't win, but fun experiment.
People still use Twitter?
Of all the things I can criticize about Trump, the type of laptop his lawyer for this week is using is far down on that list.
Cheap CarPlay tablet for my car, far cheaper than replacing the head unit but the quality of life update has been well worth it.
Secondary education did a pretty good job, but I'd say that was more on the teachers than the curriculum. I got very lucky in that regard. My community college for my BTEC, same, the one teacher who taught me how to properly write reports and assignments was really good at ensuring we cited everything properly, and gave extra marks.
I'd just deal with the lack of sleep and be tired the next day.
In theory I could just move back to England, but right now I'm quite happy where I'm at. If a job opportunity came up, who knows?
Still works with Windows 10 keys, however. Makes sense since Windows 8 and earlier are EOL now. Also, you don't have to activate Windows if you don't want to, it'll just bug you occasionally.
They introduced themselves, nice people. The lady across the street drives my Mother-in-law to her appointments when we can't.
My wife caught it at work, about six months into the pandemic. Was inevitable, since she works in a grocery store. She woke up with a fever and no sense of taste or smell, and then went downhill with really bad flu like symptoms from there. I started with the same thing the next day. Main illness lasted two weeks, but the worst part was the first week by far. My wife was sick for almost 6 weeks and ended up on an inhaler for a while until her lungs healed. Neither of us got our full taste back for almost 2 years, and our smell hasn't fully recovered yet either (about 80% now).
We both tested positive again last June, got a mandatory week off work but the only symptom was a mild fever. Wouldn't have even known I was sick, but a family member tested positive and we'd been to visit so took a test and there I was. I'd been vaccinated by that point, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say the vaccination did what it was supposed to do with keeping me from being sick.
Glad I didn't pay for it, the price is just ridiculous anyway. I use the, ahem, free sites that exist all over.