Thanks for checking us out!
I think that can be enabled from your user settings on your instance. Not sure how well it works with Liftoff
Oh yes we're tracking an issue for that. It will be implemented
Yeah that's on my list. We'll have to implement something for iOS also so we're taking this enhancement slow.
Under the everything -> all? We're tracking bugs related to this.
Push notifications are on our to-do list
Oh man, what a pleasant surprise!
Haha thanks for reporting this!
It does. We're investigating this. We're gonna focus fixing some of the bugs first but we're tracking this
No, it's just what is listed as the default instance when people first install the app.
Agreed, only
I actually thought we had taken those out. Will get this in the next release
Yeah comment font sizes are coming.
Could you share a screenshot of what you're talking about with the wonky comment writing?