It would probably be easier for the funds to go to her campaign then if someone fresh started.
You’re correct. AP:
What happens to Biden’s campaign money?
Biden’s campaign recently reported $91 million cash on hand. Allied Democratic campaign committees brought the total at his disposal to more than $240 million. Campaign finance experts agree generally that Harris could control all those funds since the campaign was set up in her name as well as Biden’s. If Democrats do nominate someone other than Harris, party accounts could still benefit the nominee, but the Biden-Harris account would have more restrictions. For example, legal experts say it could become an independent expenditure political action committee but not simply transfer its balance to a different nominee.
A good egg like you probably doesn’t need reminding, but check in on the most vulnerable people in your circles. The stigma around COVID contributes to people suffering in silence and falling by the wayside, and it’s crushing when the world moves on without us.