Starbucks. They moved into my neighborhood and put a bunch of small business owners (cafes) out of business including one owned by a very good friend.
Nestle. obvs
Starbucks. They moved into my neighborhood and put a bunch of small business owners (cafes) out of business including one owned by a very good friend.
Nestle. obvs
Cocaine & Ketamine, but cutting it with something else, I know not what (tons of money?)
I love and donate to SomaFM.
I have been hooked on the 'DroneZone', but there are lots of other channels on SomaFM that I should explore.
There is very minimal interruption (hourly? and quietly) asking for donations.
AOL - ISP. Not sure order of operations here... I was also on Mozilla/Netscape (1991/92-?)
Bulletin Board Channels: There was at least one gay one in San Diego (ca. 1992-1995). We would chat and post online, then once a month, meet at a gay bar with name tags with our handles.
IRC - fun chat site (at least into 1997 for me)
LISTSERV - this was less useful for me. signing up for 'reading lists' or 'subscriptions' to 'butterflies' 'sourdough', etc. (I honestly do not recall the groups I signed on to) when no one really seemed to be there (1992-94?) though I didn't move with the hip crowd
really? that sucks. really? i am genuinely so disappointed, jeez
I thought a 'concierge program' was similar to OneMedical. You pay an annual fee, have a PCP, but the PCP doesn't typically do much besides refer you to specialists, give advice, or prescribe meds.
I'll pause now
There's a The Cure song in here, somewhere
I felt like that last week at the farmer's market. I hate it.
Thank you very much for replying. I agree about the part time job. I save religiously for retirement. I, too, hope and believe, I will have enough stashed away.
Guess I'm just looking for that 'care facility' now (for gay men). Which is crazy since I'm 50 and not intending to croak for a couple decades
Loneward / Hidden in Plain Sight
Jon Brooks / Descent
Robert Rich / Cave Paintings
Claudio Barria Casanueva / Distant Beacons
Tapes and Topographies / Devolve
Tom Heasley / Solitude
Jeff Greinke / Cirrus Currents
Nimanty / Galactic Highway dronezone
I think we could all chill
Some kind of general pain suppression.
You could turn it off, if you're into that and sometimes pain let's you know there might be a problem, but the endless agony people go through would end.