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[–] yggdar 71 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Bing is managing hilarious malicious compliance!

[–] yggdar 17 points 1 year ago

They are very busy charging an arm and a leg for crappy software with shit support.

[–] yggdar 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm in IT in the financial industry. There is indeed still a ton of COBOL around.

[–] yggdar 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Makes sense, you clearly thought about this! From a world-building perspective I do have a follow-up question: 86.4k seconds is our definition of a second, but it is essentially a convention and there is no reason for it. In a society that throws out the hours and minutes, why did they keep our second? It seems like it would have made sense for them to define the day as 100k of some new (slightly smaller) unit. That could have given them 10 "hours" of 100 "minutes" of 100 "seconds".

[–] yggdar 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Why split the day into 8?

You definitely have a point with base-12 though. If base-10 wasn't so ingrained already, base-12 would be a very logical choice. You can even count to 12 easily on one hand, using your thumb to keep track of where you are and counting on the segments of each of your 4 other fingers.

[–] yggdar 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

According to this article, an average smartphone uses 2W when in use. That number will largely be dependent on the screen and SOC, which can be turned off or be placed in a lower power state when the phone isn't actively being used. (The 5W - 20W figure is for charging a phone.)

With 8 of these cells, you'll have 800μW, or 0.0008W, and you need 2W. You will need to add a few more batteries... About 19,992 more. If 8 of these batteries are about the same size as a regular smartphone battery, you will need the equivalent of 2,500 smartphone batteries to power just one phone.

Too bad they don't say how much the new batteries weigh! It would have been fun to see...

If we ballpark it and assume something the size of a regular smartphone battery is 50g (1.7 oz), then our stack of 20,000 of these new batteries could be about 125kg (275 lbs).

I won't be replacing any of my batteries just yet.

[–] yggdar 2 points 1 year ago

That's pretty much it, yes! I'm not 100% sure about the German part, because they are are part of Wallonia (which is the southern part) but do have their own language representation so I'm not actually sure which government manages their curriculum.

The German-speaking part isn't shown on the map, probably because it is too small or the map maker got confused with our amazing organization.

There's also the region of Brussels, which is separate of Flanders and Wallonia, and officially bilingual french / dutch. They sort of tried to represent it on the map, but I have no idea what they tried to do there.

It is a clusterfuck, really.

[–] yggdar 4 points 1 year ago

As others already said, Chromium definitely isn't the first or only one to use a blue logo. There is a theory that colours influence the way we perceive a brand, for example this article explains that idea.

Blue is supposed to convey trustworthiness and maturity. A lot of companies like that, so you tend to see a lot of blue.

You may also be experiencing the frequency illusion. If you specifically noticed the blue in Chromium's logo, it would make sense that you suddenly started noticing the blue in other logos as well!

[–] yggdar 14 points 1 year ago (4 children)

It is correct, because 'nothing' is indeed written in stone!

[–] yggdar 15 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I like your optimism, but no, they are actually serious.

[–] yggdar 61 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Sadly, yes. On the off chance you speak Dutch, here is a fact-checking article on that exact ad. I know it's a weird thing to link articles in uncommon languages, but I came across that article recently and thought it really provided a lot of context, so I'm afraid it's the best source I have. You can always run it through a translator too :-)

[–] yggdar 45 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Our eyes and brains don't perceive still images or movement in the same way as a computer. There is no simple analogy between our perception and computer graphics.

I've read that some things can be perceived at 1000 fps. IIRC, it was a single white frame shown for 1ms between black frames. Of course most things you won't be able to perceive at that speed, but it certainly isn't as simple as 30 fps!

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