I've been on Pop for a couple of years now (?3), I just keep upgrading, and nothing breaks. It has all the applications I need, no snaps, I'm very familiar with ubuntu/debian systems, and it just keeps ticking along. Usually I'd distrohop when whatever I was using would crap out, but Pop just keeps trucking along
That's a good question. I love riding my bike, and always enjoyed those days when I would commute by bike, but those were rare, like when my car was in the shop. Then one day, I just thought, why don't I commit to it a bit more seriously? Get a good backpack (started with that, moved to a pannier relatively quickly) rehab my old 90's MTB with slicks and fenders, and do it as long as the weather isn't terrible
A decade later, I drive to commute less than 10 times a year, usually when I have to go somewhere far right after work (I don't really live near any good public transport)
yeah, after losing over 8 minutes today, he's looks unstoppable...
Whatever ISM is feeding pogi (and it’s not a steady diet of zone 2…)
Maybe just no “new ____ day” posts
For triathlon, those longer threshold (rather than Supra threshold) intervals will be more event-specific
According to the current popular "polarized" model (very generalized) advice is to have no more than 2 hard workouts per week. So maybe two days of the 5x5, then (if you have time) would try to do 1 or 1.5 hrs in zone 2 the other days (ideally 3-4 per week). Do this for 3-4 weeks, then back off a bit for a week. If you have a training goal in mind, share it. Ideally you would periodize your training throughout the year too, so not always the same pattern
i.e. just the zone 2 rides through the winter, with maybe 1 5x5 every 10 days or so. Then as spring approaches, build endurance with making the hard efforts more zone 3, but building to something like 2 x 20, 2 x30, 2 x 45. Then as event/race season comes, do the zone 4 5x5's. This is a traditional model. You can adapt to your goals, but if you do the same thing year round you'll burn out and/or stagnate
Thanks so much for doing this, definitely helping the community
I’ll see if I can add something to make the place more presentable. I’ve gotten pretty busy and my already weak mod efforts are basically nonexistent at this point
edit: the best 10 minutes of effort could come up with
Only 2 of those 3 (age, linux)
If you ever had to configure your xorg.conf to not set your monitor on fire, the fediverse isn't very complicated
is there enough activity for that?
just an FYI, the rum is probably much more carcinogenic. WHO has had a statement on that for some time https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health