Jail them, and jail their "volunteer campaign manager" for conspiracy.
The nepo babies wouldn't serve--same as always. And the political unpopularity of conscription has never changed. The last war draft is still in living memory, and US current military activity hasn't been an improvement in terms of public appetite.
The US introduces conscription again, and there'll be riots--and I don't mean "some kids camped at college and the jackboots locked them up" protests; it'll be government-building burning, widespread-looting riots.
If you want to do conscription, the kids have to trust the government not to kill them for oil.
As an American, I'd be much more receptive to the idea if I knew it would be Swedes, rather than Americans, trespassing on my land.
I'm happy with Biden. Like, very happy. Biden's awesome.
So you're not running then? Amidst the rampant, unchecked political corruption you claim to observe in every direction, the solution you in your wisdom have found most powerful is to complain about it on the internet.
Easy to complain. Which district are you running in?
I don't have any medical debt at the moment, and I think there are probably some better long-term things we could spend our extremely valuable and limited political capital on, so naturally I strongly support this because I'm not a fucking inhuman monster.
Or until an angry teenager just takes the gun away from his teacher and uses it instead of having to bring one from home.
Obviously wasn't God's word, was it?
There's a conversation I've seen in tabletop RPG circles and had with my table about this: "the Jedi problem", that you simply can't tell a story that has both Jedi and non-Jedi in it (and on screen together) without a great deal of contrivance to explain why the Force can't immediately solve a lot of problems that could otherwise empower character development. The original Star Wars films really only work because Luke is a student and the other Jedi are either dispatched (Obi-Wan) or too old to hand-wave anything (Yoda). As much as I love watching Ian McDiarmid chew the scenery, the other two trilogies both suffer from having competent (sometimes) Force users basically making everyone else irrelevant by their mere presences. The power levels just aren't compatible.
This is fantastic news, but they kind of buried the lede here:
That's a quarter of a person's mass in less than a year. For persons with obesity, that's absolutely insane. It's better than gastric bypass surgery (and depending on your perspective, comparing risk of complications, long-term compliance requirements, and potential side effects, semaglutide already is). It would be like taking semaglutide and also taking meth for a year, but without ruining your life.
Now if only the taxpayers who paid for the research owned the patent. ...