The amount of magical thinking around federated protocols both on Lemmy and Mastodon is astounding. Sure, design decisions make a difference, but federations gonna federate.
That's bold of you to assume their emotional needs aren't being met. Either you're a parent whose basic checklist doesn't include giving the kid a cuddle, or you're not a parent, in which case rest assured that most parents' checklists do contain cuddling their babies when they're crying.
These jobs should be rewarded more, but lower-skill jobs should still provide for a decent life, which they don't. Having to work two jobs is a failure of the system, not the individual.
Crypto craze, now AI, I think they'll find something else when the bubble's corrected. Enjoy the dough 😁
That nobody mentioned Transport Tycoon Deluxe is criminal. I recommend the live-action version recorded for the mobile release:
No body writes noone as one word because there's a similar word written that way.
Actually, by its original definition, the word "cromulent" is not cromulent.
"I will... consider it."
I work in documentation. We aren't allowed to use words like "simple" or "easy" precisely for this reason.
As a parent, I thought I had an idea. Nope, still surprised. And I wanted the kid and have means to support them.
"Tell me the history of the world using a woo doctor and a scientist as actors."