
joined 1 year ago
[–] volodymyr 2 points 1 year ago

Also it is possible to actually like what you do for a job. Many people do.

Then, some people clearly do not. I suppose their work will be replaced with robots. And people who implement these robots are doing it enthusiastically.

Still, we would not want to disenfranchise people who see their work as nonfulfilling. This is a challenge.

[–] volodymyr 2 points 1 year ago

You can buy quantum computer hours right now from amazon, check it out :) It is used for research.

And it is not so crazy complex to get liquid helium and some below cooling. Even small labs have it, I worked with one like that.

[–] volodymyr 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Quantum computers are real. You can get some on Amazon, no joke. People think it is only a matter of time before they are big enough to tackle the real world encryption.

It is extra worrying that once they are ready, they break encryption used today if someone happens to have stored some encrypted, assumed to be safe, traffic.

So better encryption now should resist breaking for years, as long as the information is relevant. And better protocols are needed now.

[–] volodymyr 2 points 1 year ago

Cats are already smart enough, they just find it easier to access the technology using their chips.

[–] volodymyr 2 points 1 year ago

Please don't insult cats, it's cats who are smart enough to know how to use their chips! Robots and chips just react as they are programmed.

[–] volodymyr 7 points 1 year ago (6 children)

So I have a cat chipped 15 years ago, and she can still operate modern devices with it - open doors, get food from a robot.

Not all tech goes obsolete fast, there are legacy compatibility layers!

[–] volodymyr 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Actually I like the very fact that it is paid. Supporting the developer, and some sort of accountability.

Also, after trying connect, liftoff, jerboa (all perfectly good apps), etc I find that sync is most smooth and customizable.

[–] volodymyr 1 points 1 year ago

They certainly do. They undermine HTTP too. And would have done much more harm if the Web was not founded with a different governance model.

EU actions like that in the title post stress this original, less centralized, model. It was naive to assume that free internet will remain free if left alone.

Paradoxically, preserving freedom relies on constraints and regulations.

[–] volodymyr 17 points 1 year ago

It was just the peak of the US, in some aspects anyway. With all my appreciation to all the good things that the US still does.

[–] volodymyr 14 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You still, presumably, use HTTP for your internet needs, even though facebook totally works over it.

What's the problem with a protocol for chat?

[–] volodymyr 2 points 1 year ago

there is not almost any attempt to organize public participation. Except maybe admin posts with discussions in comments. Also users can vote with their feet.

I agree that the admin instinct is mostly honest and democratic and they should be regarded for their work. But the instance governance is mostly autocratic. And this kind of structure usually devolves in despotism, since power corrupts.

Would be nice to see an institution-based instance, with a constitution, elections, balance of power. Would be a great social experiment!

[–] volodymyr 3 points 1 year ago

This is really interesting, also in comparison to governance of "traditional" social networks.

I would not be surprised if someone did scientific research about it.

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