This is one of my favorite comic pages ever!
We do. Lots of teslas and asian brands though. But we have seen more and more of the "normal" brands as well these last few years.
Yeah, i get that there are four boxes, but I don't feel the joke is funny without there being four actual possibilities and one is left out.
I cannot say I know a fourth, simple way of writing 3/4. For this to be funny for me there needs to be one. Help?
What is RD and AD?
I haven't looked into it directly, but when the media looks into it every time the tax lists are released (yes, anybody can look into anybodys tax returns) then many are shown with zero in both columns.
Others move to different countries to get away from our taxes. I guess it is because they are'nt rigged in such a way that they can hide their assets or do deductibles like that. But I don't know how the countries they move to work taxwise other than that it pays off for them, or they wouldn't keep doing it.
The rich here in Norway have no income and no fortune if you look at their tax returns. But they own huge companies, have multiple houses and cars, etc. Not to mention the ones who have moved abroad who doesn't have tax returns at all..
Speak to me and breathe are often seen as one track. So I'm guessing time was the track they referenced here?
There's only snow outside now where live in Norway. I cannot touch grass, but I can shovel my drive way. Does that count?
Yeah they are great, but this exact one is my favorite ☺️