What made you unable to look in a different direction?
The thing is that, at least in the UK, many people also say "of". You might say that in quick speech it's not possible to tell between "would've" and "would of" which is probably where this misspelling came from, but I once was talking to my English friend and after he said something quickly, I asked if he just said that "she would see it?", to which he replied "she would OF seen it" putting a lot of emphasis on that "of", making it clear that he wasn't aware that it should be "have".
It's not so much on strict grammar, but it's a wonderful guide on clear writing and in general, clear expression of yourself. It does have a chapter on use and misuse of English, usually backed by data and only rarely being the expression of the author's personal preferences: The sense of style by Steven Pinker.
When the pope told Henry VIII that what Henry wanted to do was a no-no, Henry separated, created Church of England, and made himself its head. What do we think Trump will call the new Christian denomination in America and what will be the title of its head?