A fifteen minute nap may help you get some rest. If you have trouble falling asleep fast, you can use binaural beats if it helps. Sometimes I lay down for a 15 and only end up getting 5 min of actual unconsciousness but it makes a world of difference when you have to clock back in less than 2 hours.
joined 10 months ago
Back and forth like always
the whole plan is to get him over here and then kill him or let him die of neglect.
they clearly don't want them to go to school. they think that schools have become communist indoctrination centers. going right back to mccarthyism: https://floridianpress.com/2024/02/a-stain-on-human-existence-anti-communism-classes-to-come-to-florida-schools/
i don't drive. if you live in certain parts of the US, not driving significantly impairs your ability to find good housing, good jobs, do laundry. upstate new york is a perfect example. public transit has been all but eliminated in the US.
cops are the largest group of violent thugs. international status.
Looks like a canadian on dead tour
First, yes, this is US foreign policy. That doesn't give it any legitimacy though. They killed and raped Palestinians in 1948 too and ever since then, all with US backing. All Biden has to do is pick up the phone, call Netanyahu, say "we are not going to fund this anymore". Thats it. Although, he won't and it wouldn't even mean that US aid to israel would stop altogether. An example is multiple states have their employee pension funds tied up in israel bonds, including NY and Texas.