Shit, I still can't recognize your daughter.
The flips smaller size is awesome, but I think that positive is offset by the annoyance of having to open the phone the every time.
The fold I could see myself buying in a later gen. Once the hinge and screen are through a few more iterations I think I'll buy one. The huge screen is just so nice. But folded up it shouldn't be much heavier, larger, thicker than a normal phone, I already think modern phones are way too big as it is.
First of all, the amount of water in your body doesn't matter. Gravity doesn't just affect water.
Secondly, the gravity of the moon on earth is about 1/10 millionth of the gravity of earth itself. So basically you lose more weight by spitting once than you lose because of the moons gravity.
And thirdly, why only during full moon? The moon is still there even when it's not full, so the gravity is also still there. Even during the day the moon is still there.
All this full moon stuff is just pseudoscience.
Please, with all the dragnet laws and the sharing of that data with foreign agencies there is no privacy.
Not to mention all the cameras everywhere.
I saw a horse carrier driving on the highway the other day and all I could think was, that horse is so lucky he doesn't have to walk all that distance. His ancestors had to pull humans and now a human is pulling him.
Something that's often overlooked as being federated: Nextcloud.
Its basically just a host file. It pulls in a huge file with all the ad domains and whenever your phone tries to connect to one it gets ignored. Therefore it also works for ads in apps.
In a place where people make 1100 or so.
They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn.
But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn.
We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn.
That the union makes us strong.
Install Linux on your current chromebook. If the hardware is still good that's a no-brainer in my book.
Chromium, not chrome. Which means also Brave, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi and a lot more. Basically only Firefox and Safari are left as the big non-chromium ones.
But that's not the worst of it. Even if you tear out this code, more and more websites will be built that rely on it. Which means Firefox etc also need to include it to keep functioning.
People are so shortsighted about this. Spend billions on Microsoft products to prevent spending millions on a safe solution that will never be suddenly deprecated.