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[–] utopiah 17 points 1 week ago (4 children)

That's not the real question though. The real question is rather are there any "real physical proof" that Jesus had literally anything special that is in itself being the "son of God" or anything related to religion.

Anybody (sadly) can be crucified, especially during a period where it is trendy. Anybody can walk through part of the desert. Anybody can organize a meal, give a speech, etc.

Even if it's done exceptionally well, that does not make it special in the sense of being the proof of anything religious. We all have friends with unique talents, and social media helped us discovered that there are so many more of those around the entire world, but nobody in their right mind would claim that because Eminem can sing words intelligibly faster than the vast majority of people he is the son of "God".

I also read a book about a decade ago (unfortunately didn't write down notes about it so can't find the name back) on the history of religion, from polytheism to monotheism, and it was quite interesting. If I remember correctly one way to interpret it was through the lens of religions maintaining themselves over time and space, which could include growing to a sufficient size in terms of devout adepts. The point being that veracity was not part of the equation.

[–] utopiah 1 points 1 week ago

Ohhh... that actually makes sense, thanks!

[–] utopiah 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Some men claim they don’t want to get germs on their penis

How does that make any sense? What... how... I just... ?! Do they believe one washes their hands BEFORE peeing? Well OK, let's imagine that, then then would have... cleaner hands so... less germs? Do they imagine that one "reverse wash" theirs hands before? Like... rubbing their hands on the floor itself THEN pee? It makes absolutely 0 sense. I don't get any of it.

[–] utopiah 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Indeed I bought a Banana Pi BPI-F3 with SpacemiT K1 8 core RISC-V chip,4G RAM and 16G eMMC https://www.banana-pi.org/en/banana-pi-sbcs/175.html for €95.89 including delivery. The form factor is nice though and I do enjoy Framework mission and partnerships. Depends what people need it for, good to have more options than aren't "just" SBC/devboards. I won't buy one now but I'll definitely keep it in mind.

[–] utopiah 8 points 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure what your credentials are in the surveillance "business" but I bet he's seen, and experienced, even contributed to, sadly, a lot more than a random stranger on the Internet.

I don't like that he hints as scenario rather than being clear about it. I don't like that a lot of his posts are political and seeding doubts about institutions... yet, again, based on his CV, he's seen a lot more than anybody I know and thus his perspective, even his warnings, do matter.

I'll still draw my own conclusions, and keep learning about the topic, both the technology and who funds it, but yes I'll be more wary since his tweet.

[–] utopiah 2 points 4 weeks ago

We're just 1 year away from the pay out, same planning as FSD and others "predictions"!

[–] utopiah 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I used KODI for a while but switched to "just" minidlna/ReadyMedia for a lighter setup. I know that VLC can resume videos even over DLNA so I'm wondering if it can abstracted away, e.g having a VLC script that checked, maybe based on filename, if the opening file has already been played from another location and if so, resume from there.

I see that in ~/.config/vlc/vlc-qt-interface.conf there is a [RecentsMRL] section with list (unfortunately local only I believe) and times (in seconds I imagine). One could imagine to scp that file to the NAS using e.g inotify (after writes) then merge it (not replace) on that section only, then a shortcut that before starting VLC get the merged file and does the same. That should allow for resuming across devices.

[–] utopiah 4 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Genuinely curious, what pieces do you suggest we can keep from LLM/GenAI/etc?

[–] utopiah 15 points 1 month ago (2 children)

scientific accuracy is anathema to AI marketing

Even though I agree in this context “hallucination” is actually the scientific term. It might be poorly chosen but in LLM circles if you use the term hallucination, the vast majority of people, will understand precisely what you mean, namely not an error in programming, or a bad dataset, but rather that the language model worked well, generating sentences that are syntactically correct, that are roughly thematically coherent, and yet are factually incorrect.

So I obviously don't want to support marketing BS, in AI or elsewhere, but here sadly it matches the scientific naming.

PS: FWIW I believed I made a similar critic few months, or maybe even years, ago. IMHO what's more important is arguably questioning the value of LLMs themselves, but then it might not be as evident for many people who are benefiting from the current buzz.

[–] utopiah 42 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Except the 2 are not causally related. One can have 5.1 without the logo or, even worst, the waiting time.

[–] utopiah 1 points 1 month ago

FWIW you can fix it locally and eventually use a pull request.

I don't know find well enough to comment on feasibility but I bet it'd be interesting to try, and maybe realize it's not trivial.

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