Deleted Reddit because they blocked me from fetching subreddit RSS feeds which was the only reasonable interface left
Can the society of Russia "not care" along with Putin?
look up gallery-dl command line utility
Afaik you can't bypass laws and regulations with ToS
Pornhub is not exactly a monopoly like Youtube, you can go elsewhere for your porn addiction
I can tolerate sponsored content, but the youtube ads feel like they are trying to lobotomize me or give me a seizure. I remember the time when google tried to fight obnoxious ads on the web but it seems they've made a complete u turn, not just on Youtubu but on Android too
Ah yeah the kind of hullabaloo that makes everyone accept cookies on every single website ;)
Yet they can bring in the fear factor blockhead and other hot garbage for how many hundreds of millions of dollars?
This is enshittification 101
Shows how many people downvote/upvote based on title but I can agree that most people don't have 50 minutes of their time