I don't want to call the kids stupid. It's the Network Affect. Apple has a sleek design and like two phones. Android it really uneven in quality and capabilities between mid range end high end. I've been on Androids since 2012 and love them. I can however understand why iPhone caught on and then you're friends are on they're and you want to be. Social pressure doesn't make kids stupid just human.
joined 2 years ago
Umm what? The early Internet was a great place due to highly educated employed users? And the commoners ruined it? Did I miss the /s?
Really cool!
This is one of my favorite communities on Lemmy. Thank you!
Can you share the brand name?
Do you have anymore like this one?
Nice picture! I love the summer vibes
Where is this?
Are there any Warhammer novels that exist and do you recommend any?
Postscript. A Google spokesperson told us that the quality rater work contracted with Appen will be moved to other suppliers and away from Appen.
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I'm a huge Boost fan.