
joined 4 months ago
[–] tomtomtom 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I am using archivebox, it is pretty straight-forward to self-host and use.

However, it is very difficult to archive most news sites with it and many other sites as well. Most cookie etc pop ups on a site will render the archived page unusable and often archiving won’t work at all because some bot protection (Cloudflare etc.) will kick-in when archivebox tries to access a site.

If anyone else has more success using it, please let me know if I am doing something wrong…

[–] tomtomtom 1 points 4 months ago

We have been using Resilio Sync 2 for years in our family and recently upgraded to Sync 3. We only have thousands, not millions of files in sync, but for those I like about it that in my experience Resilio Sync “just works”… regardless of firewalls, getting a new computer, accessing or storing files on mobile etc.

I also run the Linux version on an always-on server for better syncing and you can leave it running for weeks on end without issues.

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