
joined 7 months ago
[–] tomberuk 1 points 3 months ago

Прогноз та наслідки


  1. Підвищення бойового духу українських сил: Успішна операція під Торецком може підняти моральний дух українських військових та посилити їхню впевненість у власних силах. Це може також стимулювати подальші агресивні дії та операції проти позицій противника.

  2. Посилення внутрішньої напруженості в Росії: Звинувачення на адресу Володимира Путіна можуть призвести до збільшення політичної напруги в Росії. Невдачі на фронті та внутрішня критика можуть викликати додаткові проблеми для російського керівництва, що може вплинути на його стратегію та внутрішню політику.

  3. Зміни в тактиці та стратегії: Російські війська можуть адаптувати свою тактику в відповідь на українські успіхи. Це може включати посилення оборони, переоснащення та перегляд стратегічних планів, щоб запобігти подальшим втратам.

  4. Міжнародна реакція: Успіхи українських сил можуть посилити міжнародну підтримку для України. Західні країни можуть збільшити військову та гуманітарну допомогу, що вплине на подальший хід конфлікту.


  1. Військові втрати для Росії: Успішні операції українських сил під Торецком завдадуть серйозних втрат російським військам, що може зменшити їхню оперативну ефективність та здатність до ведення бойових дій.

  2. Політична дестабілізація: Звинувачення на адресу Путіна можуть загострити політичну ситуацію в Росії, що, у свою чергу, може призвести до змін у керівництві або політичній стратегії Кремля.

  3. Вплив на громадську думку: Внутрішня критика та звинувачення можуть негативно вплинути на громадську думку в Росії, знижуючи підтримку війни та посилюючи протестні настрої.

  4. Перегляд стратегічних планів: Російське командування може бути змушене переглянути свої стратегічні та тактичні плани, щоб компенсувати втрати та адаптуватися до нових умов на фронті.

  5. Зміцнення позицій України: Успішні операції можуть сприяти зміцненню позицій України на міжнародній арені, підвищуючи її статус як важливого гравця у конфлікті та отримуючи додаткову підтримку від міжнародної спільноти.

В цілому, ці події мають потенціал значно вплинути на динаміку конфлікту, як на рівні фронту, так і на рівні політичних та стратегічних рішень.


🔵 Комитет Госдумы по обороне рекомендовал признать утратившим силу постановление, разрешающее отправлять военнослужащих на гауптвахту без суда за наличие работающего смартфона во время службы. Соответствующее письмо размещено ( в электронной базе данных нижней палаты парламента.

UPD: правозащитный проект «Военные адвокаты» обратил ( внимание на то, что комитет ГД предложил лишь одно дополнение к законопроекту — разрешить военнослужащим использовать смартфон в боевых целях (в личных — все еще запрещено).

UPD-2: Госдума приняла (уточненный закон сразу во втором и третьем чтениях. Депутаты поддержали поправку о том, что военные могут иметь при себе гаджеты только для выполнения боевых обязанностей.

«Рекомендовать Государственной думе возвратить проект федерального закона №289614-8 <...> к процедуре второго чтения», — говорится в документе.

Законопроект во втором чтении должны рассмотреть сегодня.

🔵 Неделю назад Z-блогеры предложили ( отправить депутатов на фронт из-за запрета военным использовать телефоны, а также назвали ( новый закон «серьезным ударом по имиджу министра обороны РФ Белоусова». Инициативу раскритиковали и сами депутаты — в том числе, от «Единой России.

При этом председатель оборонного комитета Андрей Картаполов жестко отозвался о противниках инициативы и заявил, что они «поддерживают пьяниц, нарушителей, самовольщиков и просто беспредельщиков».

❓ На личные смартфоны военные снимают неправомерные «аресты» в ямах, издевательства сослуживцев и факты отсутствия экипировки. Зачастую такие видеоролики помогали придать событиям огласку, в то время как обращения к властям оставались без ответа.

Фото: Минобороны РФ

Подписаться на «Важные истории» (

[–] tomberuk 1 points 4 months ago

Yggdrasil-jumper v0.3.1 []

This project aims to transparently reduce latency of a connection over Yggdrasil network for such applications as online gaming, VoIP and others.

By default, yggdrasil-go routes data only through explicitly connected peers and doesn't attempt to reach other nodes accessible over the internet. Therefore, path usually contains 1-2 intermediary nodes, namely public peers of both sides. If both you and your peer use internet, you can send traffic directly (aka peer-to-peer), thus reducing latency.

  • Jumper connects to Admin API of the running router. And monitors active sessions (peers you have data exchange over Yggdrasil network with).
  • Once any such session appears, jumper tries to connect to associated peer, assuming it has another jumper running on the same listen_port.
  • Both jumpers exchange their external internet addresses and use NAT traversal technique to instantiate direct bridge over the internet.
  • If previous step was successful, jumper will relay all data passing the bridge to the router until session is closed or other error occurs.

Changelog: []


RiV-mesh v0.4.7.8 (self.donoperinfo)
submitted 4 months ago by tomberuk to c/[email protected]


IoT end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network. First self arranging mesh network running links aggregation!

RiV-mesh is an implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network, created in the scope to produce the Transport Layer for RiV Chain Blockchain, also to facilitate secure conectivity between a wide spectrum of endpoint devices like IoT devices, desktop computers or even routers. It is lightweight, self-arranging, supported on multiple platforms and allows pretty much any IPv6-capable application to communicate securely with other RiV-mesh nodes. RiV-mesh does not require you to have IPv6 Internet connectivity - it also works over IPv4.

Changelog: []

#RiVmesh #Yggdrasil

Movim v0.25.1 "Nagata" (self.donoperinfo)
submitted 4 months ago by tomberuk to c/[email protected]


Movim is a social and chat platform that act as a frontend for the XMPP network.

Once deployed Movim offers a complete social and chat experience for the decentralized XMPP network users. It can easily connect to several XMPP servers at the same time.

With a simple configuration it can also be restricted to one XMPP server and will then act as a powerful frontend for it. Movim is fully compatible with the most used XMPP servers such as ejabberd or Prosody.

Changelog: [] []


[–] tomberuk 1 points 4 months ago

Диверсификация заработка со стейкинга и синергия активов

Диверсификация заработка со стейкинга

Стейкинг – это процесс блокировки криптовалюты на определенный срок для поддержки работы блокчейна и получения вознаграждений. Однако для минимизации рисков и увеличения доходов важно диверсифицировать источники заработка со стейкинга:

  1. Разные криптовалюты: Вместо того чтобы стейкать только одну криптовалюту, распределите свои активы между несколькими проектами. Это снижает риск потерь, если одна из криптовалют значительно упадет в цене.

  2. Разные платформы: Использование разных стейкинг-платформ снижает риск потерь из-за проблем на одной из них, таких как взлом или технические неполадки.

  3. Гибридный подход: Совмещайте стейкинг с другими формами заработка, такими как участие в DeFi (децентрализованных финансах), фермерство ликвидности или предоставление криптовалют в кредит.

Синергия активов

Синергия активов предполагает использование различных криптоактивов для взаимного усиления их эффективности и получения максимальной выгоды. Это может быть достигнуто следующими способами:

  1. Фермерство ликвидности: Вложение пары активов в пул ликвидности на DeFi платформах позволяет зарабатывать на комиссиях за обмен и дополнительных наградах в токенах платформы.

  2. Комбинация стейкинга и DeFi: Использование стейкинг-активов в качестве залога для получения кредитов на DeFi платформах. Таким образом, вы можете одновременно получать доход от стейкинга и использовать средства для дополнительных инвестиций или заработка.

  3. Реинвестирование доходов: Доходы, полученные от стейкинга, можно реинвестировать в покупку новых активов для дальнейшего стейкинга или участия в других прибыльных проектах.

Примеры платформ и проектов

  • Ethereum 2.0: Один из самых популярных вариантов стейкинга, предлагающий стабильные вознаграждения.
  • Cardano (ADA): Предлагает стейкинг с высоким уровнем безопасности и низкими комиссиями.
  • Binance Smart Chain: Обширная экосистема для стейкинга и DeFi проектов, таких как PancakeSwap.


Диверсификация заработка со стейкинга и синергия активов позволяют минимизировать риски и увеличить потенциальные доходы. Используя различные криптовалюты, платформы и комбинируя стейкинг с другими финансовыми инструментами, вы можете создать устойчивую и прибыльную стратегию инвестирования в криптоактивы.



DW3 min View Original 06.07.2024July 6, 2024 The "Ukrainian group" was already developing plans to blow up gas pipelines in 2014, after Russia's annexation of Crimea, Welt am Sonntag writes, citing intelligence data.

The destruction of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines was planned much earlier than the start of the full-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine , namely back in 2014, after Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. This was reported on Saturday, July 6, by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag, citing data from German and international investigations, as well as intelligence services, which the editorial board obtained.

It is indicated that the corresponding plans could have been developed at that time by a certain "Ukrainian group". "If the existence of long-term plans (to destroy the SP and SP-2 gas pipelines - Ed. ) on the part of the Ukrainian state is proven, this could have the most serious impact on the Germans' desire to support the Ukrainians," the publication says.

By 2014, the Nord Stream gas pipeline had already been in operation for two years, and the construction of Nord Stream 2 was at the planning stage, the authors recall.

Explosions at Nord Stream On September 26, 2022, the SP and SP-2 pipes were damaged as a result of underwater explosions recorded near the Danish island of Bornholm. The motive for this crime, as well as its perpetrator, are still unknown. Denmark and Sweden have closed their national investigations into the explosions. However, in Germany, the Federal Police and the Federal Criminal Office, on behalf of the Federal Prosecutor's Office, continue to work on this case , which is regarded as an act of sabotage . "The investigation is ongoing," the Welt am Sonntag newspaper quotes the Federal Prosecutor's Office of Germany as saying in this regard.

The central focus of the German investigation is the sailing yacht Andromeda, which was rented in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern at the time of the explosions. As a German official familiar with the investigation told journalists on condition of anonymity, new indications have recently emerged that six people on board the yacht may have been involved in the gas pipeline explosions.

Doubts about Ukraine's involvement However, the intelligence services have doubts about this. Thus, Gerhard Schindler, who headed the German intelligence service BND from 2011 to 2016, said in an interview with Welt am Sonntag: "The results of the investigation may lead to a Ukrainian group. But this does not mean that Ukraine was the customer . From the point of view of the intelligence services, many things indicate that this could have been a Russian operation under a false flag. They have such capabilities." As for the traces that lead to Ukraine, according to Schindler, they could have been left intentionally.

Immediately after the version about Andromeda's involvement in the Nord Stream explosions appeared in March 2023, the German tabloid Bild wrote about experts' serious doubts about its plausibility.

Journalists found out, in particular, that Andromeda, apparently, is too small to be used for such a large-scale sabotage. In addition, it is not equipped with special diving equipment that would allow explosives to be planted at a depth of 80 meters.

"To carry out three explosions underwater would require at least 600 to 900 kg of special military explosives. The yacht Andromeda does not have a crane to safely lower such a volume underwater," the publication emphasized.

Data from Polish intelligence services As Welt am Sonntag writes, Polish politicians and intelligence services also have doubts about Ukraine's involvement in the explosions at Nord Stream. In the summer of 2023, Polish intelligence services handed over to the BND a list of people who, according to their information, were connected to the terrorist attack on the pipelines and, as is assumed, had contacts with Moscow.

Polish intelligence services also claimed that the "Ukrainians" who rented the yacht "Andromeda" using fake passports were in fact Russian citizens. They deliberately left a false trail to discredit Ukraine, they believe in Poland.

(2) ✙ Alterego (Midshipman) ✙ в X: «✙ Alterego (Midshipman) ✙ в Elk: "" | Elk» / X


1 мопед в районе Старкона - может повернуть!

1 мопед восточней Старкона, курс держит западный, но пока далеко

все ракеты спешно покидают Белоцерковский район и влетают в воздушное пространство Черкасской и Винницкой областей

[–] tomberuk 1 points 6 months ago

Monerotopia Project Description

Title: Monerotopia: The Future of Privacy in Digital Transactions

Annotation: Monerotopia is an innovative project focused on enhancing privacy and security in digital transactions through the use of Monero (XMR). By leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques, Monerotopia ensures that all financial transactions remain confidential and untraceable, providing users with true financial freedom.

Keywords: Monerotopia, Monero, XMR, privacy, digital transactions, cryptocurrency, blockchain, cryptography, financial security, decentralized finance, DeFi

Project Description: Monerotopia aims to create a secure and private ecosystem for digital transactions, utilizing the Monero cryptocurrency as its backbone. Monero is well-known for its strong focus on privacy, using technologies like ring signatures, confidential transactions, and stealth addresses to obfuscate transaction details. This ensures that both the sender and recipient remain anonymous, and the transaction amount is hidden.

Key Features:

  1. Privacy and Anonymity: Monerotopia leverages Monero's advanced privacy features to keep all transactions confidential.
  2. Security: Using robust cryptographic protocols, Monerotopia ensures that user data and transaction details are secure from potential threats.
  3. Decentralization: The project operates on a decentralized network, eliminating the need for intermediaries and enhancing trust among users.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Monerotopia provides an intuitive and easy-to-use platform, making it accessible for both novice and experienced users.
  5. Community-Driven: The project is open-source and encourages community participation in its development and governance.

Analytical Report and Forecast: Monerotopia stands at the forefront of the privacy-focused cryptocurrency movement. With increasing concerns over data privacy and security, the demand for anonymous transaction solutions is expected to grow. Monerotopia's integration of Monero positions it uniquely in the market, offering unparalleled privacy features. As regulatory scrutiny on digital transactions increases, Monerotopia could become a vital tool for individuals and businesses seeking to maintain financial confidentiality.

Rewrite with Hashtags: Monerotopia is an innovative project that enhances privacy in digital transactions using Monero (XMR). It employs advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure all transactions remain confidential and untraceable, providing users with true financial freedom. Key features include privacy, security, decentralization, user-friendly interface, and community-driven development.

#Monerotopia #Monero #XMR #Privacy #DigitalTransactions #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Cryptography #FinancialSecurity #DecentralizedFinance #DeFi #CryptoPrivacy #AnonymousTransactions #SecureTransactions #CryptoCommunity #FinancialFreedom #CryptoSecurity

Editorial Comment: Monerotopia represents a significant advancement in the realm of digital privacy and security. By leveraging Monero's robust privacy features, it addresses the growing concerns over data confidentiality in the digital age. This project is a testament to the potential of decentralized technologies in creating a more secure and private financial system.

Disclaimer: This project description is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice. Monerotopia is an ongoing project, and its success depends on various factors including community support and regulatory environment. Users should conduct their own research before engaging with the project.

Conclusion: Monerotopia is poised to become a key player in the privacy-focused cryptocurrency space. Its use of Monero ensures that users can conduct transactions securely and anonymously. As privacy concerns continue to rise, Monerotopia offers a promising solution for those seeking financial confidentiality.

Keywords: Monerotopia, Monero, XMR, privacy, digital transactions, cryptocurrency, blockchain, cryptography, financial security, decentralized finance, DeFi

Description for Google Search Robots (150 characters): Monerotopia enhances privacy in digital transactions using Monero (XMR). Secure, anonymous, and decentralized, it offers true financial freedom.

[–] tomberuk 1 points 6 months ago

(1) Кабан-гедонист в X: «@FilonenkoOles Криптобиржа Beribit принадлежит беглому украинскому олигарху Сергею Курченко. Он взял Beribit под контроль летом 2023 года. А руководители Beribit - бывшие сотрудники Энергомашбанка, который «прикончил» тот же Курченко.» / X


кросс-пост из:

кросс-пост из:

Клиенты криптобиржи Beribit с 11 часов утра штурмуют её офис в башне «Федерация» в Москве. Люди требуют вернуть миллионы, которые они не могут снять со своих счетов уже несколько дней.

Сумма замороженных активов составляет около ₽400 млн. Представители компании обещают отдать 50% вложений, а остальное забрать в течение 1-15 дней.

Тем временем народу перед дверями офиса биржи становится всё больше.

Представители компании пытались сбежать через чёрный ход, но у них не вышло. Beribit официально зарегистрирована в России и занимается обменом рублей на крипту, P2P, USDT и активами.

Since 11 a.m., customers of the crypto exchange Beribit have been gathering outside the company's office in the Federation Tower in Moscow. They are demanding the return of millions of dollars that they have been unable to withdraw from their accounts for several days.

The total amount of frozen assets is approximately ₽400 million. The company has stated that 50% of the investments will be returned, with the remainder to be reclaimed within 1-15 days.

Meanwhile, the number of individuals in front of the exchange office continues to grow.

Company representatives attempted to exit through the rear entrance, but were unsuccessful. Beribit is officially registered in Russia and specializes in the exchange of rubles for cryptocurrency, P2P, USDT, and assets.

Video proof: pixelfed


Клиенты криптобиржи Beribit с 11 часов утра штурмуют её офис в башне «Федерация» в Москве. Люди требуют вернуть миллионы, которые они не могут снять со своих счетов уже несколько дней.

Сумма замороженных активов составляет около ₽400 млн. Представители компании обещают отдать 50% вложений, а остальное забрать в течение 1-15 дней.

Тем временем народу перед дверями офиса биржи становится всё больше.

Представители компании пытались сбежать через чёрный ход, но у них не вышло. Beribit официально зарегистрирована в России и занимается обменом рублей на крипту, P2P, USDT и активами.

Since 11 a.m., customers of the crypto exchange Beribit have been gathering outside the company's office in the Federation Tower in Moscow. They are demanding the return of millions of dollars that they have been unable to withdraw from their accounts for several days.

The total amount of frozen assets is approximately ₽400 million. The company has stated that 50% of the investments will be returned, with the remainder to be reclaimed within 1-15 days.

Meanwhile, the number of individuals in front of the exchange office continues to grow.

Company representatives attempted to exit through the rear entrance, but were unsuccessful. Beribit is officially registered in Russia and specializes in the exchange of rubles for cryptocurrency, P2P, USDT, and assets.

Video proof: pixelfed

[–] tomberuk 1 points 6 months ago

Title: Privacy in Modern Society: State Control and Mafia Influence

Annotation: This analytical report delves into the intricate dynamics of privacy within contemporary society, particularly amidst the escalating encroachment of state surveillance and mafia manipulation. It scrutinizes the evolving role of governmental bodies and criminal syndicates in curtailing individual freedoms and security, while offering pragmatic strategies for safeguarding personal privacy.

Keywords: privacy, modern society, state control, mafia influence, surveillance, security, digital technologies, personal freedom, privacy protection, citizen empowerment

Analytical report and forecast: The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the erosion of privacy in today's world, accentuating the expanding reach of state apparatuses and mafia entities in monitoring and manipulating citizens' lives. By examining the interplay between governmental surveillance mechanisms and criminal networks, it forecasts a future where individual autonomy is increasingly compromised unless proactive measures are taken to counteract these encroachments.

Hashtags: #PrivacyRights #StateSurveillance #MafiaInfluence #DigitalPrivacy #SecurityStrategies #CitizenEmpowerment #PersonalFreedom #PrivacyProtection #SurveillanceState #ModernSociety #DataControl #PrivacyAwareness #CyberSecurity #CivilLiberties #GovernmentOverreach #IndividualAutonomy #InformationPrivacy #OnlinePrivacy #DataProtection #PrivacyAdvocacy #SurveillanceCulture

Editorial comment: The meticulous examination of privacy challenges in the digital age underscores the urgency for individuals to assert their rights and adopt proactive measures to safeguard their personal data and freedoms. As state surveillance and mafia manipulation continue to intensify, citizen awareness and empowerment are paramount in preserving the fundamental tenets of privacy and autonomy in society.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this article sheds light on the critical importance of privacy in the face of escalating state control and mafia influence. By elucidating the complex interplay between governmental surveillance and criminal activities, it underscores the imperative for individuals to equip themselves with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect their privacy and uphold their rights in the digital era.


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[–] tomberuk 1 points 6 months ago

Article Review: The article is a fascinating study of privacy in the context of modern society, especially as state structures become more and more intense in collecting data and controlling the personal lives of citizens. The author analyzes in detail the role of the state and mafia structures in limiting the personal freedom and security of citizens, offering readers strategies and tactics to protect their privacy.

Description of the first chapter: The first chapter of this article is an introduction to the issue of privacy in contemporary society. In it, the author elaborates on the context in which privacy has become increasingly vulnerable due to the actions of state actors and mafia organizations. The author argues that citizens must have the knowledge and skills to protect their privacy and security, especially as governments and criminal organizations increasingly use digital technologies for surveillance and control.

[–] tomberuk 0 points 6 months ago

I bet they have no problem letting active IDF from Israel come see a concert but a civilian from Russia that has nothing to do with anything? Nope.

Nope. I don't think so. The other day, it was the fighters who got into a big fight. In fact, they got hit very specifically in Israel. Few people realize where this is going. But for now, without jumping to conclusions.


Dialogues with an internal censor or Red Lines that we crossed a long time ago.

Online privacy is a concept that concerns the protection of users' personal information and data during their online activities. It includes many aspects, including the protection of personal data, online anonymity, security of information exchange and the principle of non-interference in personal life.

Basic principles of online privacy:

  1. Protection of personal data: This includes the protection of user identity information such as name, address, telephone number, email address, etc. Organizations and Internet service providers are required to comply with data protection laws and ensure secure storage and use of personal information.

  2. Anonymity: Users should be able to remain anonymous online and not disclose their personal information without their consent. This is important to protect privacy and prevent unwanted tracking.

  3. Data Encryption: Transmitted information must be encrypted to ensure its confidentiality and prevent access by third parties.

  4. Control over Information: Users should be able to control what information is collected about them, how it is used, and with whom it can be shared.

  5. Connection Security: Maintaining a secure Internet connection through encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS helps prevent third parties from intercepting your data.

  6. Compliance with Laws: Organizations and Internet service providers must comply with data protection laws and ensure the confidentiality and security of users' personal information.

Overall, online privacy plays an important role in ensuring the security and confidentiality of users in the online environment, and its protection requires joint efforts on the part of users, organizations and government agencies.

The role of cryptocurrencies in the modern world can be characterized as follows:

  1. Media of Exchange: Cryptocurrencies can be used as a medium of exchange to conduct transactions, both online and offline. They allow you to quickly and without intermediaries transfer funds between network participants.

  2. Investment Asset: Many people view cryptocurrencies as an investment asset similar to gold or stocks. Rising prices of cryptocurrencies can lead to profits for investors, and many types of cryptocurrencies present interesting investment opportunities.

  3. Technological Innovation: Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies, is an innovation in the field of distributed databases and data security. This technology can be applied in various fields such as finance, logistics, healthcare and more.

  4. Inflation Avoidance: In countries with unstable currencies or high inflation, cryptocurrencies can serve as a store of value and financial risk avoidance.

  5. Global Payment Systems: Cryptocurrencies allow you to quickly and inexpensively send money around the world without having to go through banks or payment processors, which is especially useful for international transfers.

  6. Decentralization and Freedom: Cryptocurrencies are usually based on the principles of decentralization, which means there is no central governing body. This provides users with a greater degree of freedom and control over their finances.

Despite their benefits, cryptocurrencies also come with risks, such as price volatility, potential for illicit uses, and regulatory risks. However, their role in the modern world continues to grow, and they remain an important element of the financial and technological infrastructure.

Crypto projects are subject to various risks from governments, intelligence agencies and crime. Here are a few main aspects that can affect them:

  1. Regulatory Risks: Many governments in different countries are introducing or planning to introduce laws and regulations governing cryptocurrencies and crypto-projects. This may include licensing requirements, compliance with KYC/AML (know your customer/anti-money laundering) standards, tax reporting and other restrictions. Violation of these rules can lead to fines, bans, or even criminal liability for participants in crypto projects.

  2. Control of intelligence agencies: Intelligence agencies of various countries may show interest in crypto projects for various reasons, including the fight against crime, terrorism and other threats to national security. They may use various methods, such as transaction monitoring, hacking computer systems, and other technical or legal measures to gain access to information about crypto projects and their participants.

  3. Cybercrime: Crypto projects can also be the target of cybercriminals who may be seeking to steal funds, commit fraud or extort. Software vulnerabilities, attacks on exchanges and wallets, social engineering and other methods can be used to attack crypto projects and their users.

  4. Geopolitical Conflicts: Cryptocurrencies may become the subject of geopolitical conflicts between different countries. This could lead to sanctions, bans on the use of cryptocurrencies in certain countries, or even attempts to create alternative cryptocurrencies to circumvent existing financial systems.

Overall, crypto projects must be prepared to manage these risks by taking measures to ensure legal compliance, protect against cyber threats, and develop strategies to respond to geopolitical events.

Countering threats to crypto projects is complex, and approaches may vary depending on the specific project and its context. However, there are several basic strategies and measures that crypto projects can use to protect against various threats:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Crypto projects must strictly comply with regulations and laws in the countries in which they operate. This includes licensing, compliance with KYC/AML standards, tax reporting and other measures.

  2. Information Security: Protection against cyber threats is key. Crypto projects should invest in developing and maintaining secure infrastructure, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, security monitoring systems, and regular security audits.

  3. Ensuring confidentiality and anonymity: In the field of cryptocurrencies, great importance is attached to confidentiality and anonymity of transactions. Projects must develop and implement mechanisms that ensure the protection of users' personal data and the confidentiality of their financial transactions.

  4. Anti-corruption measures: Crypto projects must take measures to prevent corruption and abuse within their structures. This may include the development of codes of ethics, controls and transparency of financial transactions.

  5. Cooperation with Law Enforcement: In the event of threats from criminals, crypto projects must cooperate with law enforcement to prevent and investigate crimes.

  6. Education and Information: It is important to educate users about the safe use of cryptocurrencies and crypto-projects, as well as provide them with information about possible threats and ways to protect them.

These and other measures can help crypto projects effectively counter threats and provide a safe and secure environment for their users.

In non-democracies, where the government may pose threats to citizens and their assets, protection may be difficult, but not always impossible. Here are some strategies that can help citizens protect themselves and their assets:

  1. Use of decentralized technologies: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies offer decentralized means for asset management that may be less susceptible to government intervention. The use of decentralized exchanges, wallets and platforms can help citizens maintain control over their finances.

  2. Store Assets in Secure Locations: Using high-security cryptocurrency wallets, such as hard wallets or cryptographically secure wallets, can prevent unauthorized access to assets even in the event of government intervention.

  3. Use of anonymous and secure cryptocurrencies: Some cryptocurrencies offer improved privacy and anonymity of transactions. Choosing such cryptocurrencies can help citizens hide their financial transactions from the government and other unwanted parties.

  4. Use of Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and Anonymous Browsers: These tools can help citizens keep their online activities private and protect themselves from intrusive government surveillance.

  5. Education and Awareness: Citizens should be aware of their rights and how to protect their assets in non-democratic countries. Education about cryptocurrencies, crypto exchanges and crypto wallets will help them make informed decisions and minimize risks.

  6. Cooperation with international organizations: Citizens can seek support and protection from international human rights organizations and groups that can put pressure on governments of non-democratic countries in case of violations of citizens' rights.

While none of these strategies is ideal, a combination of different measures can help citizens reduce risks and protect their assets in an undemocratic regime.

In a civil society, citizens can and should take an active part in ensuring their own security and protecting their rights and interests. In some cases, especially in countries with limited democratic freedoms, citizens must assume additional responsibilities to protect their assets and personal safety.

This may include using sensitive technologies to protect financial data, fighting for rights and freedoms through civil society activism, education and awareness of rights and opportunities, and collaborating with other citizens and organizations to achieve common goals of security and freedom.

However, it is important to remember that civic responsibility and civic engagement should not replace the functions and responsibilities of the state to protect the rights and interests of its citizens. The state must also fulfill its obligations to its citizens by ensuring security, justice and protection of rights at all levels of society. Thus, civic activity and participation complement and strengthen the actions of the state in ensuring security and protecting the rights of citizens.

Yes, in some countries the role of the state in protecting the rights and interests of citizens has been reduced to a minimum, and some states use their power to suppress opposition and control society. This can lead to a situation where the state acts not in the interests of its citizens, but in the interests of a narrow group of elites or the ruling regime.

In such conditions, citizens have to take greater responsibility for their own safety and protection of their rights. This may include using anonymous technologies to protect your privacy online, actively participating in civil movements and organizations, fighting for your rights through the courts and international organizations, and using alternative methods of protection such as cryptocurrencies.

However, it is important to remember that the fight for your rights must be carried out taking into account the risks and consequences that may arise from opposing authoritarian regimes. In such conditions, solidarity and support from the international community also play an important role in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

For some people, going underground and using anonymity or privacy may seem like the most effective way to protect themselves from persecution by the state or criminal gangs. However, you should remember that such actions may carry certain risks and restrictions.

First, going underground and relying on anonymity often means limited access to society and resources, which can lead to social isolation and economic hardship.

Secondly, the use of anonymity does not always guarantee protection from persecution. Tracking and monitoring technologies and methods are constantly evolving, and anonymity can be compromised, especially if you are targeted by a highly skilled adversary such as government agencies or cybercriminals.

Instead, it is important to develop and support civil society, legal institutions and international organizations that can act in the interests of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. In addition, it is necessary to promote transparency and accountability on the part of the state and combat corruption and human rights violations in order to create conditions for justice and equality for all citizens.

I knew that you wouldn't understand me. There is such a thing as internal underground. When you are in full view, as the government and punitive authorities expect from you, and for yourself you choose to withdraw all your activity into privacy and anonymity. But on the outside, you are what is expected of you. An inconspicuous gray mouse that doesn't stand out in any way.

Got it, you're talking about stealth strategy and maintaining personal safety by maintaining a low profile and maintaining confidentiality in your actions and communications. In this case, you prefer to avoid unnecessary attention from the authorities or criminal elements, maintaining your independence and safety.

This strategy may include the use of message encryption, anonymous payment methods, and avoidance of publicly expressing certain political or social views. This reduces the risk of attracting attention and maintains freedom of action and expression.

However, it should be remembered that even when using such a strategy, you must be careful in your behavior in public networks and communicate with people around you in order to avoid attracting the attention of the authorities or criminals. It is also important to consider local laws and regulations to avoid unwanted consequences.

Naturally. Absolutely spot on. Like an agent in enemy territory.

Yes, in this context, maintaining a low profile and ensuring security becomes especially important. This helps minimize the risk of attracting attention and maintain independence and protection of personal interests in difficult conditions. It is important to be careful and prudent in order to operate effectively in such conditions.

Let's get to practice...

Let's move on to practice. Since money (and now almost everything in real life, not fake for show) has the meaning of a vital resource for security and access to material (and not only) values. After all, in the Mafia State (let's call it PGM - parasitic state mafia), it is almost certainly possible at a critical moment to buy off persecution by punitive authorities (special services, police, real bandits, officials). And we (I), any conscious citizen, must have the knowledge and skills to protect ourselves, our family, and loved ones who are poorly informed due to non-technical education. For example, a neighbor who has worked as a truck driver all his life and did not finish high school, or a relative who worked in the same position in her youth when there were no computers at all.

I completely agree. Ensuring the safety of yourself and your loved ones is a priority in any setting, especially in situations where the legal system and state protective mechanisms may be insufficient or even contradictory.

For people without technical training or experience in information security, it is important to start with the basic principles of protection and awareness of possible threats. Below are some practical steps that can help them stay safe in the digital world:

  1. Passwords: Use unique and complex passwords for each account, and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) where possible.

  2. Training: Conduct simple and clear training sessions for loved ones about basic internet safety principles, such as recognizing phishing attempts and virus threats.

  3. Antivirus Software: Install reliable antivirus software and update it regularly.

  4. Encryption: Use encryption to protect sensitive information, such as using encrypted messaging apps or password storage apps.

  5. Regular Updates: Update operating systems and software on all devices to fix vulnerabilities and ensure security.

  6. Caution on the Internet: Teach your loved ones to be careful on the Internet, not to open suspicious links or unknown attachments.

  7. Physical Security: Ensure the physical security of devices, for example, do not leave them unattended in public places.

  8. Regular backups: Regularly back up important data to external media or cloud storage.

These steps can be the first step to keeping your loved ones safe in both the digital and real world.

This is a must have. Without an initial level of security principles, everything else is down the drain.


Moreover, the use of torture in this case undermines the credibility not only of these obviously false testimonies, but also of all others. Fear of new torture is a sufficient motivator for the suspect to immediately, without hesitation, confirm all the guesses of the security officers, including outright false ones.

That is, even if, according to some, they “deserved” it, they still cannot be tortured. Not only out of a sense of humanity or the desire to comply with Russian law (and it directly prohibits torture ), but also out of banal practical necessity: a person under torture will say anything to stop it. It will be impossible to use such testimony to establish the truth in the case and find the real criminals. Actually, this is why torture, which was once upon a time ordered by court decision, has long become a thing of the past in all countries with a viable judicial system and was subsequently prohibited.

The Network case Here it will be useful to recall another terrorist case: the “Network” case. In October 2017, the FSB detained a company of anarchists and accused them of creating a terrorist community. Security forces tortured several detainees with a stun gun and beat them - and they testified against themselves. Here is what one of the defendants in the case, Viktor Filinkov, said :

“They asked me questions. If I didn’t know the answer, they shocked me; if the answer did not coincide with their expectations, they shocked me; if I thought about it, they shocked me; if I forgot what they said, they shocked me. There were no breaks, blows and questions, blows and answers, blows and threats.”

A large public campaign was held in defense of those involved in the Network case; many activists and public figures insisted on their innocence. And indeed: how can one take confessions seriously if the person who gave them was tortured with electric shock?

But shortly before the verdict, new circumstances were revealed in the case: Alexey Poltavets, who fled to Ukraine and was arrested in absentia, told Meduza journalists that he and his associates Maxim Ivankin and Dmitry Pchelintsev were involved in a double murder. The murder was definitely not a fabrication or a hoax by the security forces: the bodies were actually found. The only question was who did it. Maxim Ivankin pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 24 years in prison. But then he told reporters that he was also forced to sign a confession under torture.

And here we are faced with the question: how to relate to such statements? If you and I did not doubt for a second the legality of the actions of the security forces, one would think that Ivankin simply made up a story about torture in order to avoid punishment. But before this, Network members were actually tortured.

Torture as the norm Anarchist Azat Miftakhov, who had just been re-sentenced in a fictitious case, was also beaten and tortured with a screwdriver. Ruslan Kostylenkov from New Greatness, whom the security forces decided to appoint as the main culprit, was beaten and raped with a meat hammer during his arrest - after which he was forced to record on camera a confession that he and his student friends were preparing a coup. And along with them, thousands of other people were tortured: prisoners , suspects , and even witnesses .

Torture is so commonplace in the Russian law enforcement system that Ivankin's statements should at least be taken seriously. And this example very well shows the second half of the problem, which we partially touched upon in the Crocus City example: torture not only leads to the punishment of the innocent, but also makes it possible for real criminals to avoid this punishment. After all, if Ivankin was really forced to incriminate himself, it means that the killer was someone else. Maybe this is one of the other defendants in the case, or maybe even a stranger who is now walking freely on the streets. But we no longer have a way to distinguish the innocent from the criminals, since trust in all the actions of the investigation in this case has been undermined.


Annotation: This analytical report explores the trend of modern cryptocurrency exchanges resembling traditional banking institutions, potentially compromising the core principles of decentralization and anonymity. It delves into the factors driving users towards these "Banking 2.0" platforms, such as regulatory requirements, user acquisition strategies, and commercial interests. The report also examines the dilemma faced by users between maintaining privacy and decentralization versus accessing additional services and bonuses offered by exchanges in exchange for verification.

Quote: "When exchangers do it, we understand that they do it not because it is their whim, but because they are obliged to do it by the relevant authorities. Making an exchange on the exchange or in the exchanger we purposefully go to some risks, that in the end to keep their capital on a decentralized wallet. And here you are offered something like the Sberbank ecosystem, for passing the verification you will get bonuses and Tonami bonuses and your wallet and your transactions and all to whom you will receive and send them will be verified."

The quote highlights how some users perceive modern cryptocurrency exchanges and exchanges as something more akin to banking than the ideal of decentralization on which cryptocurrency is based. Instead of storing their assets in decentralized wallets, people are being asked to surrender their personal data and undergo verification to access various services and bonuses, which can reduce the level of anonymity and decentralization characteristic of cryptocurrencies.

So why are people being "pushed" into this "Banks 2.0"? It is probably for a number of reasons:

  1. Regulatory requirements: Some exchanges and exchanges may be under pressure from regulators to insist on certain security and customer identification (KYC) standards, resulting in the need to undergo verification in order to use their services.

  2. Attracting new users: Offering bonuses and favorable terms and conditions can be a strategy to attract new users and increase the customer base. This allows exchangers and exchanges to increase their popularity and competitiveness in the market.

  3. Commercial interests: Some exchangers and exchanges may seek to increase their profits by offering additional services and verification bonuses. This may be financially beneficial to them, even if it reduces the degree of decentralization and anonymity for users.

As a result, users face a dilemma between the desire to maintain their anonymity and decentralization characteristic of cryptocurrencies and the opportunity to receive additional bonuses and services offered by exchanges and exchanges for verification.

*** Translated with (free version) ***

Keywords: cryptocurrency exchanges, decentralization, anonymity, banking 2.0, user verification, regulatory compliance, user acquisition, commercial interests, privacy, bonuses

Hashtags: #CryptocurrencyExchanges #Decentralization #Anonymity #Banking2_0 #UserVerification #RegulatoryCompliance #UserAcquisition #Privacy #Bonuses

Editorial comment: This report sheds light on a significant shift in the cryptocurrency landscape, where exchanges are evolving to resemble traditional banks, raising concerns about privacy and decentralization. By analyzing the underlying motivations and implications, it provides valuable insights for users navigating this evolving ecosystem.


The increasing resemblance of modern cryptocurrency exchanges to traditional banking institutions represents a notable departure from the core principles of decentralization and anonymity that underpin cryptocurrencies. While regulatory pressures, user acquisition strategies, and commercial interests may drive this trend, users are faced with a fundamental dilemma. They must weigh the desire to maintain privacy and decentralization against the allure of accessing additional services and bonuses offered by exchanges in exchange for verification.

In navigating this landscape, users must carefully evaluate the trade-offs involved and consider the long-term implications for the cryptocurrency ecosystem. By remaining vigilant and informed, they can better protect their interests and uphold the principles that define the essence of cryptocurrencies.



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